A more descriptive name would be helpful here.
mafft failes (only 1 sequence to align)
so a samples containing only 1000 identical reads will fail in the mafft stage
every X% (default 5) of samples (and also indexing of GG and splitting...)
have a flag for X, 0 if supress
the people want taxonomy in their biom table
we can:
1. supply an additional script (using qiime rdp/other option?) to add taxonomy
2. add this script as an optional step in the pipeline (and have it …
https://github.com/biocore/deblur/blob/master/scripts/deblur#L36 does not correspond to actual version
so we can have a non-default pos database for the post-deblur positive filtering
As a school project, I am developing a Qiime User Interface in JAVA for Windows using SSH to access a virtualbox and run the scripts for Qiime. This is currently for personal (educational) …
need to set:
- [x] read length?
- [x] error profile
- [x] positive or negative filtering
- [x] fasta file for negative filtering
- [x] indexed 88_otus.fasta or the 88_otus.fasta for positive filtering…
I'm getting a weird error when I tried to run the deblur workflow.
I'm running the following command
deblur workflow \
--seqs-fp 648_seqs.fasta \
--output-dir deblurred \
--ref-fp /home/mo…