Craft file and KSP.log
After grappling the PMA on the unity assembly, undock the bottom docking port fr…
Errors in LOG after apdate to 3.19
[Uploading KSP.log…]()
As far as I can tell, the stock asteroid/comet model works as follows. When an asteroid/comet is spawned, it is assigned a size class. Asteroids can have classes A through E, while comets can have cla…
After a timewarp rotatron turns in wrong direction. See my video.
InfernalRobotics 2.0.10
KSP 1.2.2
From the Firespitter.version:
It was not build for 1.8 so why mark it as compatible ? I have a horde …
Maybe I'm doing something wrong. But when I click the buttons nothing appears to happen.
Tested under KSP 1.3.1. Might have seen the same behavior under 1.2 and previous.
As per the KSP Wiki:
(If the altimeter was metric and not feet) An Earth based aircraft altimeter reading would be:
*Long Hand reads 100m.
*Short Hand reads 1,000m.
*And the Inverted …
Many people are reporting that firespitter in KSP 1.8 is conflicting with Mechjeb.
Is there anything can be done on this part?
I have tweakscale installed as well as 77 other mods, as discussed in the KSP forums. When I rescale a tank, it initially recognizes the proper fuel values in the tank. Below is my screenshot of tanks…
Injecting a `@JvmInline value class` fails in the following manner:
``` Kotlin
@JvmInline value class Foo(val value: Int)
object FooModule…