Hi @charlesq34,
I have Lidar point cloud data captured from Aerial Lidar for the Ground. Currently we are using commercial software to classify each point in the point cloud in different classes li…
Available here: https://www.data.gv.at/katalog/dataset/b5de6975-417b-4320-afdb-eb2a9e2a1dbf
Projection: EPSG:31287
Resolution: 10m
Licence: [CC BY 3.0 AT](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.…
The framerate drops significantly when the number of LIDAR scans is large. Consider batching the line trace queries or find a way to parallelize them.
Currently all such queries are executed in the…
- https://twitter.com/raimondsverpejs/status/913709530478936064
Digitālais reljefa modelis papildināts ar Daugavpils apkārtni:
In ros_calib_init.cpp,
/// Handle Lidar measurement
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr s_lidar = m.instantiate();
if (s_lidar != nullptr && m.getTopic() == topic_lidar) {
Thank you for your great work. I have some questions about lidar frame splitting and filter size. In readme.md, your recommendation for lidar frame cut_frame_num is to set velodyne to 3, but w…
Congratulations for the excellent work.
I would like to suggest, if possible, to also focus on the hardware part, so as to allow everyone to create their own handheld 3d scanner, thus sharing the inf…
Hello, for the LiDAR data in the Perception dataset, are per-point timestamps provided? I looked through the documentation and the code but was unable to find this information, so just want to double …
I am trying to run Visualize the RS lidars data recorded in PCAP format using ROS workspace.
By configuring the below config.yaml am able to visualize data of RS128 and RS32 without any iss…