As you would expect, the vertebral labeling doesn’t work for several subject sessions : when I run the sct_label_vertebrae command, almost all subjects have sessions with missing labeled file. Therefo…
This could be a short section for In the Pipeline but I'd rather we create the content that we would have had on Udemy so we make the Kedro blog the front page for the course, keyword optimised with u…
Developing and implementing Video for Linux 2 (V4L2) drivers to capture frames, converts the frames to RGB, enhancing the functionality for seamless video frame acquisition in our project.
1) …
State is a parameterized parameter
Using a Basler ac1920-25uc on Windows Python 3.7, I can capture and record images (using .py files like grab.py, guiimagewindow.py, save_image.py), but how do I acquire and record videos via Python Py…
# v5 Notary Allocator Application
To apply to be an allocator, organizations will submit one application for each proposed pathway to DataCap. If you will be designing multiple specific pathways, y…
Basic idea is to create something low-level, like LLVM Bitcode or WebAssembly, to create the HDL compilers emit the code in this format, which will be fed to the routers/synthesizers after. This will …
There are also some links that cannot be obtained, and the problem of abnormal acquisition:
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg4MjAwNTUwNw==&action=getalbum&album_id=1448541657456295…
我注意到你们在论文里引用了CVPR2023的《Weakly Supervised Video Emotion Detection and Prediction via Cross-Modal Temporal Erasing Network》(参考文献[65]),但在实际对比实验的时候没有给出它的数据进行对比。请问你们的工作和他们比起来怎么样呢?