Hi there,
I've noticed that R will sometimes crash when using the strata option in the CreateTableOne() function. I've been unable to replicate the issue consistently. The problem seems to come and…
Manopt has [matlab implementations](https://www.manopt.org/reference/manopt/manifolds/multinomial/index.html) of the multinomial manifold with the Fisher metric as well as its doubly stochastic and/or…
Jing Yang, Shengshi Pang, Zekai Chen, Andrew N. Jordan, Adolfo del Campo
> We develop a variational principle to determine the quantum controls and initial state which optimizes the quantum Fisher …
### Description
After some research, seems like if you replace `Normal` distribution with `StudentT` distribution and get HSTP
Here is a related paper as well
I'm working in CPAC 1.0.1
This group model name creates an Afnie 3ddot crash
while this name does not
James Graham:
> The new generation of web apps are expected to continue to function when networking is not available for whatever reason. Obvious…
Old test folders (old unit testing) have a number of ad\ GLMs in them. Users are attempting to use these sample files without success. Need to remove those folder. However, the working tests should b…
Alternate market designs cannot be created as a runtime class because parts are not allowed in the runtime class variable syntax. Unfortunately, powerflow triplex_meter uses a default price name that…
**Copy and paste the exact command you tried to run**
../flair/bin/diffsplice_fishers_exact known_diffSplice/flair.diffsplice.ir.events.quant.tsv H0C H0N