The current [`results_plotter`](https://github.com/hill-a/stable-baselines/blob/master/stable_baselines/results_plotter.py#L48) only plots episode rewards. Although [`TensorBoardCallback`](https://sta…
Hello, By disturb you again. May I ask if the final experiment result of OWTB comes from the config "Detectron2-OWT/Configs/New_BASELINES/MASK_RCNN_R_101_FPN_400EP_LSJ_OWT.PY" ?
Hi in this line we set the same variable twice - should it instead be `…
emrul updated
9 months ago
We are unable to set the DC offset in kodiaq standalone mode. There is an option in the config file:
8098 DAC configuration for each channel
(1000 = negative unipolar + offset, 8000=bipolar, F000=po…
## Habitat-Sim version
## Steps to Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 79, in
File "run.py", line …
## Habitat-Lab and Habitat-Sim versions
Habitat-Lab: vx.x.x or master?
Habitat-Sim: vx.x.x or master?
Habitat is under active development, and we advise users to restrict themselves…
Thanks a lot for this project. We would like to try our model on this dataset and compare to results by other teams. Is this dataset (AESRC2020) available anywhere? The [Interspeech2020 paper](https:/…
Hello there!
I had a look at the [tutorial about how to instance a new object inside a scene](https://aihabitat.org/docs/habitat-sim/rigid-object-tutorial.html).
I see that methods of the simulator …
Hi, the reference to [BM25 ranking instructions](https://github.com/castorini/anserini/blob/master/docs/regressions-robust04.md) is broken in [Neural Pointwise Ranking Baselines on Robust04 - with TPU…
Hi Luofuli,
This is a very nice work in text style transfer and I have a question. Are the results of baselines from the code released by original authors or the code reimplemented by you?