See https://github.com/EBIvariation/eva-opentargets/issues/203 and https://github.com/EBIvariation/eva-opentargets/issues/248.
As the uniqueness tuple of an evidence string we currently consider:
#### Is your feature request related to a problem?
The fread() function in R library data.table has many features which are very usefull.
#### Describe the solution you'd like
### 1. An argumen…
b-niu updated
3 years ago
What type of VCF file should be used for CNV calling? VCF file containing germline or somatic variants, or both combined? Is there any specific variant caller that you would recommend in ord…
## Done Condition (What do we need? Why do we need it? Keep this is small as possible!)
Migration script for migrating fusions profile to sv
Determine what patterns/names are used internally and how w…
Hi, thanks for providing this wonderful packages!!
Is it possible to extract 99 variants list (in vcf/bed or any possible forms) that is only present in T15_kmers as well as the type of SV (INS, D…
I am trying to run SAGE on a cancer cohort and for a few samples I am getting an Exception that I have not been able to interpret.
My command is:
SAGE -Xms4G -Xmx32G -threads 8 -tumor…
This is an Epic itself and needs refinement.
GATK calls SNPs & Indels via [Mutect2](https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/articles/360037593851-Mutect2) and [HaplotypeCaller](https://gatk.broadins…
Error in collapse_object(objnames, tmp, indent) :
R character strings are limited to 2^31-1 bytes
Calls: ... .local -> vapply -> FUN -> FUN -> .local -> collapse_object
Execution halted
I'm …
A bit broad title, but hear me out.
BALSAMIC, and workflows in general, have complex procedures to provide a correct and reliable result. To be able to do this, `cg` has to provide correct paramete…
Dear Developers of octopus,
I am using octopus (6.2) cancer model with tumor only bam file ( benchmark from here: wget ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/tutorials/datasets/tutorial_1…