Hello, there. I'm trying to call the createFeed() operation of Amazon SP Feeds API however I'm getting the following error:
"errors": [
"code": "InvalidInput",
I have been trying to use Amazon SP-API but I met an issue about authorization when requests via the postman. Could you please help me to address this issue?
Step what I did:
1. Generate …
Hello everyone,
I have searched but I cannot find information about this, does the Referesh Token ever expire?
Please update the [fulfillmentInboundV0.json](models/fulfillment-inbound-api-model/fulfillmentInboundV0.json) model file to include undocumented `ShipmentStatus` value `READY_TO_SHIP`.
In the fulfi…
#108 is going to be an important place to start.
Twitter is the only context where I do not currently see a need for increased emphasis on self-curation at this time considering how that all appearan…
Why can't I migrate my current MWS sellers to SP-API while the Hybrid App is in 'pending' state?
The MWS version of the App has been live for several years so I should be able to migrate these sel…
From reading other issues, I understand that it's not possible to complete the auth flow and get a refresh token while the app is in draft mode.
This assumes I can only test my app on one Seller P…
This is a valid ASIN on Amazon.com: **B00FYDBIZO**
But both below functions return no result:
GET /catalog/v0/items, Query=B00FYDBIZO
GET /catalog/v0/items/B00FYDBIZO
{ "payload": { "Identifie…
Hello there,
I started writing SP API. I have reached this stage: