When I run rtabmap_ros i get really weird errors, first of all, it's shown as a ros package:
rospack find rtabmap_ros
and when i try to run directly:
I am using OS0-64-U (Lidar sensor) and Rtabmap package. Actually, in normal conditions the ouster node and Rtabmap node running without problem.
Hi thanks for sharing this great work
I'm wondering if it's possible to train on other datasets besides the ones that you've provided, such as the Oxford RobotCar dataset.
it also provide the lid…
hello author
When I run train.py it shows
`Ground truth poses are not available for sequence xx.
ForkingPickler(file, protocol).dump(obj)
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute looku…
Hi doctor jiao,
Thanks for your excellent work!
When we building local map for each laser sensor, for auxiliary lidar(its index ` n ≠ IDX_REF`), why we assign primary lidar's point into auxiliary l…
Trying to follow this demo: https://github.com/iRobotEducation/create3_examples/tree/humble/create3_lidar
## Setup
#### Roomba:
FastRTPS Middleware
H.1.0 Firmware
#### Raspberry Pi
# Components
* [x] Etherbotix, with MD-03 motor driver, Mini-IMU v5
* [x] 3 Cliff sensors (GP2Y0D805Z0F) on height adjustable bracket
* [x] Differential drive - QTY2 12v 30:1 200RPM motors
README says "scan period of input cloud[sec](If you want to compound imu, you need to change this parameter.)". I couldn't understand how to change this parameter, should it be the same as i…
Hi @matlabbe
I see that when rtabmap is running for hours without the sensor moving, the ram memory consumption increases, I guess this should not happen because if the sensor does not move the ma…
so i used visual odometry from rtabmap and my sensors odometry and merged them together using robot_localization. The output topic is named odometry/filtered2. I check the topics and they look fi…