Thank you for your highly intuitive and accurate tool!
Recently, I plan to apply Bambu to my single cell RNA sequencing data to get transcriptome information.
So, as I think, it is possible to con…
I have installed `sra-tools` v3.0.10 distributed from Bioconda for **linux-64** platform. Running `fasterq-dump` occupies far more RAM than the flags would imply (default 100 MB/core) or I have ever e…
Hi Ian and Tom,
Hope you are well.
We are running a splice junction analysis using human plasma samples processed on a Novaseq 6000 ( RNA sequencing with UMIs).
Analysis Pipeline in brief :
SJJHK updated
2 months ago
ixxmu updated
1 month ago
A first pass of the JSON schema is in the Mash repo:
For now, I put k-mers as a separate array parallel to hashes rather than an arra…
I could not get the information of EPICv2 from `ExperimentHub(localHub=TRUE)`. I don't undartand where is wrong for me. Any help!
[1] ‘1.17.11’
ixxmu updated
2 months ago
Hi Author, I am getting the following error with the function libraryDataGet
> snapshotDate(): 2022-04-26
> snapshotDate(): 2022-04-26
> see ?FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC and browseVignettes('FlowSorted…
Hi there,
I have long read RNA-seq data from the minion platform. I'm trying to plot gene body coverage of these reads. Is there a reason this data wouldn't be compatible with the QoRTs java applica…