I'm a maintainer of [Gymnasium](https://gymnasium.farama.org/) & [Gymnasium-Robotics](https://robotics.farama.org/), and I'm trying to use `MuJoCo-MJX` for "prototyping `MJX`-based RL environme…
Hi Emmanuel Noutahi,
I trust this message finds you well. I recently came across your article on the impressive performance of the representation SAFE in reverse molecular design. I have a few ques…
Stable Baselines 3 has natively integrated hyperparameter tuning via https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo. Generally in reinforcement learning research, trying hyperparameter tuning is almost r…
Thank you for your work. From this code snippet,
import gymnasium as gym
import mani_skill2.envs
obs_mode = "state_dict"
env = gym.make("PickCube-v0",
I'm running OpenFAST Simunlink with the 3.5.0 version. How ever, I encountered so much warnings
such as this:
Warning: block 'OpenLoop/FAST Nonlinear Wind Turbine/S-Function':
## Description of the issue
The concepts `sector coupling` and `model coupling` are two concepts that are missing. Sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably by non-experts. But for the OEO…
I'm trying to understand the following code fragment in the MPU6050_DMP6 example
// check for overflow (this should never happen unless our code is too inefficient)
if ((mpuIntStatus…
### 🚀 Descirbe the improvement or the new tutorial
For historical reasons, TorchRL privately hosts a bunch of tutorials.
We'd like to bring the most significant ones to pytorch tutorials for more vi…
Hi, I was wondering if you have tried to implement this learning-based planner on a real vehicle, or if you have tried to build a bridge to connect the simulator with a ROS environment.
If that's the…
Hi, I want to customize the reward function. I modified the `create_rewardables` method in `HumanSurvival` like this:
class HumanSurvival(HumanControlEnvSpec):
def __init__(self, *arg…