As per the instructions found here: https://github.com/grblHAL/core/wiki/Compiling-GrblHAL
I added OVERRIDE_MY_MACHINE, BOARD_CNC3040, N_AXIS and USB_ENABLE around my configuration as a la…
Hello Wouter, I'm Wolfgang from Germany! I have a Tacx i-genius T2021 multiplayer and would like to use it for Zwift and the like!
I downloaded FortiusAnt, but the trainer doesn't connect!
I know th…
While `cvxpy` certainly needs _a_ solver in order to function properly, it should not _depend_ on having them just to intsall it. If I were to use `cvxpy` with Gurobi, for example, I shouldn't have to…
Hi everyone, I have compiled a list of all activation functions that currently not implemented in mlpack but have can be found in either tensor flow or pytorch.
1. ~~SELU~~
3. GELU (Curr…
**Describe the project you are working on:**
A Tomb Raider game, atm, 3D, animations made in Blender . .
**Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project:**
This is sort of a p…
Thanks for the clear example In folder`templates/speech_recognition/ASR/` to train an ASR model on mini-librispeech dataset. However, when I used the librispeech-pretrained model (ASR model, language …
steps to reproduce
`docker run -it --rm --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --ipc=host --privileged -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -v /tmp/argus_socket:/tmp/argus_socket --cap-add SYS_PTRACE iad.ocir.…
Not yet sure which char is used as message delimiter or that bytesize and baudrate etc are defiantly correct.
Can't really start breakdown down the contents of the message until the basics are sort…
Review of [Transfer Learning and SpecAugment applied to SSVEP Based BCI Classification](https://github.com/Kotzly/BCI_MsC/files/6105545/Transfer.Learning.and.SpecAugment.applied.to.SSVEP.Based.BCI.Cla…
Mosh does not seem to support IPv6. When specifying a hostname with both IPv4 and IPv6, an IPv4-connection is used. Specifying an IPv6-address results in:
/usr/bin/mosh: Could not resolve hostname 2a…