Lizzy Wilbanks has left a new comment on your post "Prokka - rapid prokaryotic annotation":
Thanks for this great tool! So useful!! One thing that might be a nice addition for future releases would …
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The new work on the 5mC-specific visualization mode is really great and makes the modified and canonical calls much more apparent, but I have found a weird behavior which I think may need addressing.
am trying to analyze my ATAC Seq data. I ran successfully build the genomw index, but when I tried to start analysis program, it gives following error.
Please help what should I do?
Thank you…
I have illumina paired reads 150bps that is targeted. The average coverage is pretty high. There is a known duplication of 77bps that is homozygous. It looks very good in IGV see snapshot.
For long genes, the sashimi plots produced are hard to visualize. Anyway those plots could be scaled to reduce the intron width vs exon width?
Would this be possible? The YC tag colors the entire alignment, whereas the MM/ML tag only typically color individual bases.
It would be great to be able to visualise both simultaneously.
It would be great if there is an easy way to export condense seg ratio file that can be import to IGV. cause some users are requesting this feature. Sincere thanks!
Hi salmon team,
Thank you for developing this useful tool! I used salmon (v1.9.0) to quantify transcript abundance using full-length cDNA reads (ONT) after mapping with minimap2 to a transcriptome …
Hi, thank you for releasing the code.
After checking the validation file, I found ~180 video ids that can not be found in official val file or some of them can not be decoded, the videos are listed b…