In order to scale up beyond current Biobank-levels, or enable Biobank-scale analyses on non-server machines, support the traversal of a GRG that reads the edges from disk.
The initial version of th…
Dear Dr. Zhou and colleagues:
**Can we use GEMMA to run a GWAS on UK Biobank data**?
I understand that I shall run each chromosome separately.
But still, if GEMMA only takes plink bed/bim/fam…
We're currently developing documentation with clear intsructions for how to run the pgsc_calc tool in specific trusted research environments ([TRE](https://www.hdruk.ac.uk/access-to-health-data/truste…
Hi everyone,
we are trying to download a pathology dataset (DLBCL-Morphology_v1) using the [`TCIA_Aspera_CLI_Downloads.ipynb`](https://github.com/kirbyju/TCIA_Notebooks/blob/main/TCIA_Aspera_CLI_Do…
We have been granted access to the UK Biobank.
We should explore their online platform: https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/enable-your-research/research-analysis-platform
There are at least two article…
Specimen.feature aus R5 backporten per Extension.
sowohl type als auch description
Dient der Kodierung und Erklärung von zusätzlich gesetzten Markierungen (Stift, Draht etc)
Senn, M.: UK BioBank Homepage. https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/about-biobankuk.
I was wondering if MIDESP would be able to support covariate adjustment, since covariates like age and sex could completely skew the results. I ran MIDESP for UK Biobank and the QQplots show that the …
$ /usr/local/bin/bids-validator .; echo $?
1: [WARN] The Authors field of dataset_description.json should contain an array of fields - with one author per field. This wa…
kousu updated
3 years ago