Great project! would you consider use Jyutping as the v4 phone set? Cantonese is tonal language, and IPA doesn't presents tone annotations.
I prefer Cantonese Yale and find it hard to remember which tones the Jyutping numbers refer to, but it would be a nice option (perhaps in Settings)
From ankiweb:
"Can you please explain how to get this to work with Cantonese Jyutping? As far as I know, Google doesn't have TTS for Cantonese, and every time I try to choose Jyutping under Phoneti…
**Feature you are interested in and your specific question(s):**
Is there any method that does jyutping to ipa ? I know there's a jyutping to tipa method now, would be great if also have jyutping t…
These five characters, shown below, don't work with jyutping while they do work with Pinyin. Wrritten out they are
reported by Vu over email
Hello, there are many fonts I can find with pinyin (拼音) on top, but I've never found a font with Jyutping (粵拼) on top.
Would you ever consider creating one?
This would allow you to learn Cantone…
Hi, I found that some characters, e.g. 凹 has duplicate entry in the dictionary:
凹 凹 au3/nap1
凹 凹 waa1
leading to incomplete results when we try to obtain the jyutping for these character…
Does this work for current python3 and module versions?
I got the following output when running it. My mp4 is in 720p and the subtitles fall within the default box values:
Traceback (most recent…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
There is already nice support for generating the jyutping pronunciation but it would be good if there could be a ruby version of thi…
p2635 updated
5 years ago
Timothy 你好,
感謝貴線上輸入法專案為大眾提供實用嘅語文工具。本人係粵語使用者,亦有使用拼音打字嘅需求。隨住拼音輸入越趨普及,因應用户反饋,Microsoft Swiftkey、搜狗輸入法及 Apple 嘅 QuickType 等輸入法亦先後支援以粵語發音為基礎嘅拼音輸入法。惟目前在個別操作平台上(如Windows系統)仍欠缺相關拼音輸入法選項,故希望貴[線上輸入法](https:/…