## Description
During the work on https://github.com/camunda/camunda/issues/21425 it was discovered that Zeebe (and some other components) already use Maven 3.9.x while other components in the mono…
The parent pom enforcer rule requires Maven 3.9.9 to build. However, this project's pom requires 3.6.3. Either direction, these should be synced up. IMHO 3.6.3 is just fine.
Might also be worth con…
Using STABLE_mavenport_2176 (Maven 3.9.6), I have a few non-standard ascii characters in my open source scala code, (code pulled from Apache Spark 3.5.2). Early in the build, those bad character mess…
"hub-mirror": [
### Describe your use-case which is not covered by existing documentation.
### Documentation
Highlight to use at least Maven 3.9.6 when developing this plugin.
### Background
With the new parent
There's been some significant changes in the plugin over the year, so this will give a refreshed look to our development website.
It needs to be coordinated with https://github.com/PavlidisLab/pavl…
1. Build TIM from latest commit.
2. Start it as part of e.g. Training — or any other module — docker compose.
Starting TIM will fail with the following error:
## Description
For aarch64 platform, I have built " orientdb " from source.
## Steps
Following STEPS were used for the building and installation:
sudo apt update
sudo apt in…
### Describe the bug
mvnw -Dquickly -e
### Expected behavior
quarkus main should always at least compile.
### Actual behavior
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-com…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Repository problems
These pr…