Dear Till,
I hope you are well and that I am not bothering you too much. I am working on DNA metabarcoding of the stomach contents of Atlantic bluefin tuna by amplifying partial fragments of the COI …
Thanks for your ongoing work on this tool! Hitting an odd issue:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) quay.io/biocontainers/ncbi-amrfinderplus:4.0.3--h283d18e_0
mkdir db_down…
The GitHub page [here](https://github.com/sanger-tol/ascc/blob/ea10_documentation_edits2/docs/databases.md) states "Download the nr database protein FASTA files from the NCBI ftp server (wget ftp://ft…
### Checklist
- [X] I added a descriptive title.
- [X] I searched through [existing issues](https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues) and couldn't find a solution or duplicate issue.
- […
## Expected Behavior
`mmseqs download` would be expected to download an up-to-date version of the target 'nr' and 'nt' databases.
## Current Behavior
The download FASTA targets for the 'nr' and '…
I keep getting errors when using makeblastdb. According to other reported issues, I was using Blast 2.14.0 and the current iteration of Blast, but neither had any impact.
Script used:
ncbi-blast+ has been recently upgraded to version 2.16.0 in Debian sid, and from my current analysis, this seems to have triggered [Debian bug #1077454]. Relevant part of the error looks like:…
Hi All,
I am a new mac user and have been slowly setting up the new laptop. I freshly installed cblaster and am running into some problems (see below). I think it could be a python issue. I w…
Thanks a lot for developing such a cool tool with a standalone app. I saw that after the classification, one can Extract species-specific fastq reads from the app. Would it be possible to include…
Hi le-yuan:
When I was operating the step
"python HGT_workflow_distant.py Nanorana_parkeri_SimID.faa",
I got a problem,which show below:
Taxid by BLAST: 7917
Taxid by BLAST: 13616
Alien index:…