Following our discussion with @nekrut , I am creating an issue to outline essential components for creating a barebones HIV (or other short RNA virus) genomic analysis pipeline.
Key steps for ampl…
Hello. I'm working on T2T trio assembly, with approximately 90× HiFi reads, 115× ultralong ONT reads, and about 64× coverage of NGS reads from both parents. Below is the command I submitted:
# Overview
First, great pipeline, I like the way the key files and pages are automatically generated.
As I'm running the pipeline to work in the changes described in [improved_Kd_fitting](https:…
### Description
If inputs are missing for the process `FOODME2:REPORTING:HELPER_SAMPLE_REPORT` then piepline fails with following error messsage:
WARN: Input tuple does not match tuple declar…
### Description of the bug
I ran "nextflow run nf-core/cutandrun -profile test,conda" command after installing conda and nextflow following the instruction and got the error message
### Command used…
I would like to run Cassiopia preprocessing on a 10X v4 chemistry library. Based on my understanding of your code, and v4 vs. v3 library structure, it seems that I could run cas.pp.convert_fastqs…
I fetched MultiQC with
curl -LOk https://github.com/ewels/MultiQC/archive/master.zip
tar -xf master.zip
cd MultiQC-master
pip install .
Via `where multiqc` I could also id…
As a bioinformatics analyst I want to generate a BED file from a gene panel for genomic test analysis so that I can use it as an input to an NGS pipeline tool.
- [ ] Get gene panel from panelapp, ref…
**Snakemake version**
snakemake-wrappers version : "v3.7.0/bio/multiqc"
**Describe the bug**
So, I have a bigger project, where in the end, I run multqc on reports generated by other …
@k-florek @fanninpm @erinyoung @tives82 @DrB-S
I have been using Cecret for all things SARS-CoV-2 and our research lab just started to work up a NGS methodology for Human Norovirus sequen…