Total heterotrophic respiration is the combination of respiration from litter and soil. This diagnostic "hr" is updated in ColumnDataType.F90:col_cf_summary(), here:
Quel est l'impact de la respiration humaine moyenne ?
`keyword_keepgit` `owner:jxs599@nci.org.au` `type_JAC readiness` | by srb001@csiro.au
Currently we are calling init_respiration in JAC - but does this even need to be done?
Perhaps it sho…
# Physics and Biology correlation | Weekly Research Update
During my thesis defense, Alex noticed that it seems like inlets with large “Exchange Flow & Vertical Transport” terms also had large “Photo…
Although it plays a crucial role in respiration malate-aspartate shuttle is not directly part of the electron transport chain (ETC)
parent should move up to
GO:0045333 cellular respiration
The sapwood values we've been using are unrealistically small (default parameter values for fates_allom_latosa_int and fates_allom_latosa_slp). However, I've found that if I put in reasonable values,…
Proposition d'ajout d'un outil optionnel, dans la boîte à outils
Intention : un temps court pour poser au centre les tensions subtiles associés à des lutinages / deregulations
Description : Le p…
**Describe the bug**
We've got 10 diamond helms in our diamond gear boxes, all with Unbreaking 3, Respiration 3. I don't believe this is the result of human interaction.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to…
Copied from https://github.com/bpbond/partitioning/issues/1#issue-601640540
### First part - learning the tools and science
* Git and GitHub - see #6
* R - work through some basic primers
* …
# Revision
# Byond Version
# Description
"You feel no need to breathe."
"You place th…