(I'll just throw this out there in case it might be useful)
Rosbags (https://wiki.ros.org/rosbag) are pretty much a standard in the robotics in terms of datasets. They are also a pretty useful play…
To read LZ4 compressed rosbags via the py_rosbag target from Python, the roslz4 module needs to be passed as a dependency, as it is dynamically loaded during the imports of the bag.py module. See, [in…
Hello! I am having troubles aligning the color and depth images. I have a Rosbag with data from a RealSense Depth Camera D435i (and other sensors). I only have the rosbag and at the moment I do not ha…
Hi guys,
Thanks a lot for sharing this impressive work!
I see in the project webpage (https://rpg.ifi.uzh.ch/eds.html) that you offer to download the rosbags. Is there anyway to run EDS with rosbags…
Is there any possibility of getting a ROS2 version of the datasets?
Hey, is there a specific naming convention we should follow for the rosbags we contribute in the same way we have an ID convention for our benchmarks (i.e. a3_package_name)?
I see that we currently…
I've collected a dataset with a set of rosbags. Each rosbag starts with an apriltag detection. The problem is that I it takes too long for a metric_pose to be published and the apriltag detection isn'…
The /tf and /tf_static messages in the rosbags of UAV appear to be not publishing any messages. How do I get from '/ti_mmwave_0' frame to, say, imu frame?
Here are the steps to address some common installation challenges with the `vision_visp` package:
1. Install `camera-calibration-parsers`
> $ sudo apt install ros-humble-camera-calibrat…
As the docker-compose files get more and more complex, it becomes harder to debug a failure in any one of the containers. All of the terminal logging is on top of each other.
Therefore there shoul…