### Description
OpenSearch Serverless allows specifying account-level capacity limits (minimum and maximum). It looks like this is not currently possible via this Terraform provider.
### Requested R…
Who want it please react with a 👍
unnoq updated
6 hours ago
**What would you like to be added**:
Some of the options:
- https://github.com/knative/serving
- https://github.com/openfaas/faas
**Why is this needed**:
**Completion requirements**:
/kind feature
**Describe the solution you'd like**
1. Login CSGHub and instantiate one serverless LLM like Deepseek
2. There is one place in UI where I can see the API can invoke outside of CSGHub
I got the Qnabot information from the above repository and jumped here.
The OpenSea…
**Is your feature request related to a problem?**
Coming from #125, it'd be nice to be able to test connectivity with OpenSearch Serverless.
**What solution would you like?**
**What altern…
What would you like Teleport to do?
Support ElastiCache serverless access and auto-discovery.
### Describe the Feature
Port 6380 should be added to the security group by default if we use ElastiCache Serverless for Valkey. Currently, only 6379 is added.
From [Get started with Amazon ElastiCa…