Originally reported by: **anonymous (Bitbucket: [anonymous](http://bitbucket.org/anonymous), GitHub: Unknown)**
# under windows xp, rc2 fails to execute the test suite. rc1 works fine
## ERROR: …
ghost updated
8 years ago
Originally reported by: **Robert Brewer (Bitbucket: [fumanchu](http://bitbucket.org/fumanchu), GitHub: [fumanchu](http://github.com/fumanchu))**
C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages>python cherrypy…
ghost updated
8 years ago
Originally reported by: **Robert Brewer (Bitbucket: [fumanchu](http://bitbucket.org/fumanchu), GitHub: [fumanchu](http://github.com/fumanchu))**
When running the cachefilter test once, no proble…
ghost updated
8 years ago
**Reported by @cristianbogdan on 4 May 2010 11:17 UTC**
the current maven archetype distributes makumba with hsqldb. hsqldb seems to be well maintained and released with openoffice org
is it worth …
ghost updated
14 years ago
Originally reported by: **Anonymous**
Wanting to run a cherrpy application using apache2+mod_python I tried the sample at DeployTemplate, but even using that code it does not work, all I get is …
ghost updated
8 years ago
I need a CSS pre-processor for my (very) new project, [Rooibos](https://github.com/adrusi/Rooibos). It's a 100% browser-based framework and I would like to keep it that way to remain server independen…
64589 top 5.6 00:00.37 1/1 0 24 33 936K 264K 1516K
0- kernel_task 1.6 02:26:40 67/2 0 2 …
Any one ever made it work on Windows 7?
Apart, or maybe instead of #70, you could run a server on the desktop with the presentation, so you could open another window with some controls for the presentation. The features are the same as in t…