**Reported by @cristianbogdan on 4 May 2010 11:17 UTC**
the current maven archetype distributes makumba with hsqldb. hsqldb seems to be well maintained and released with openoffice org
is it worth …
ghost updated
14 years ago
Any one ever made it work on Windows 7?
I found that the "extra_groups" attribute in is not necessary and it may be a trouble because when I ran "bcfg2-repo-validate" with the "extra_groups" groups in , I got the following error.
I want to reuse little, but significant part of code of pysnowflake. but don't know about licensing. Will be nice to have you permission to reuse code under ZPL,any BSD-like or MIT/X license.
I w…
avnik updated
12 years ago
I don't know where else to post this. Excuse me if this is the wrong place.
I wrote an article on the idea of a P2P Wiki: http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Wiki
(Also linked there: "Federated Wiki" "Fede…
64589 top 5.6 00:00.37 1/1 0 24 33 936K 264K 1516K
0- kernel_task 1.6 02:26:40 67/2 0 2 …
First in general I'd say product comparisons as the one in your site is not generally helpful as no 1 person can sufficiently know all the products listed and make a fair comparison. But if you insis…
One cool thing about the design is that every client is fully capable of behaving as a fully functional server. We're using this for offline, but it could be much more than that and do offline multipl…
sqlite3 is a serverless database system. Once mysql's replaced by sqlite3, database files should be provided in local file systems.
Otherwise there is no way to access current databases. Mysql provide…