I have a question regarding the HiTE.gff file. Does it contain annotations exclusively for transposable elements? Also, in the HiTE.tbl file, it states bases masked: 14933219 bp (18.09%). Do…
I used to 'TEtranscripts' of your lab to analyse non-model mammal genome, TE GTF generated by RepeatMasker and perl script from your lab. As I want to get certain TE's sequence (eg. L…
@amvarani Thanks for your excellent work. This pipeline help community to study plant transposable elements. However,I assume it is a challenge to execute this script successfully for some users becau…
Dear Shujun,
I hope you are well. When reading your benchmarking paper, “Benchmarking transposable element annotation methods for creation of a streamlined, comprehensive pipeline” EDTA appears to …
Chr8 EDTA helitron 28596870 28597251 2596 + . ID=TE_homo_201873;Name=TE_00002121;classification=DNAnona/Helitron;sequence_ontology=S
Hi, can I use Transposome for annotating transposable elements from paired-end metagenomics data of complex microbial communities? If so, what would be the repeat_database in the config file?
I am reaching out for your help on the intepretation of the **reads_report**.
In my result, the raw data fastq included 26,362,661 reads in total. However, **"#Assembly mapped" and "#Refere…
I've run ReLERNN both with and without the --mask option, yet I've obtained identical results (same window size and the resulting table with nSites). For --mask option I provide a .bed file …