Summary of request: Add a new organization to ROR
Name of organization: Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec
Link to publications: https://www.crchudequebec.ula…
`yaml-cpp` is a required dependency:
It should be added as a dependency in…
**URL**: https://www.fesp.ulaval.ca/
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 120.0
**Operating System**: Windows 10
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes Chrome
**Problem type**: Something else
Summary of request: Add a new organization to ROR
Name of organization: CHU de Québec-Université Laval*fr
Website: https://www.chudequebec.ca
Domains: chudequebec.ca
Link to publications: https:…
I receive an HTTP 403 error after login in hudson 1.330.
The error only appears for normal users which do not have the "Overall
administer" privilege. Administrators don't have the problem.
The secu…
timja updated
7 years ago
I receive an HTTP 403 error after login in hudson 1.330.
The error only appears for normal users which do not have the "Overall
administer" privilege. Administrators don't have the problem.
The secu…
timja updated
7 years ago
I am using hypre via PETSc successfully since years.
About 2 weeks ago, I configured PETSc with --with-openmp=1 option activated.
It resulted in many failures in our FE code where we are using …
Reported by cgranade, Jun 4 (6 days ago)
In the documentation posted at [0], it is not made clear which selection operators are single-objective, which ones treat the fitness vector in a lexographic f…
Have you tried the (non-akkerman) linorobot with github.com/norlab-ulaval/husky-trainer?
I could only get it to work about 10 seconds before crashing on my ROS machine
Tasks to do:
* Define a teach and repeat scheme similar to https://github.com/norlab-ulaval/husky-trainer by using https://github.com/ANYbotics/libpointmatcher
* Prototype
* Test