CielAl / torch-staintools

Pytorch-adaptation of GPU-accelerated StainTool's stain normalization algorithms
MIT License
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computational-pathology digital-pathology gpu-acceleration macenko pytorch pytorch-staintools reinhard stain-augmentation stain-normalization stain-separation staintools vahadane

Torch StainTools for Stain Normalization and Augmentation of Histopathological Images

Unit Testing DOI


pip install git+

pip install torch-staintools


Detail documentation regarding the code base can be found in the GitPages.


If this toolkit helps you in your publication, please feel free to cite with the following bibtex entry:

  author       = {Zhou, Yufei},
  title        = {CielAl/torch-staintools: V1.0.4 Release},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2024,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v1.0.4},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.10496083},
  url          = {}


Sample Output of Torch-StainTools Normalization


Sample Output of StainTools


Sample Output of Torch-StainTools Augmentation (Repeat 3 times)


Sample Output of StainTools Augmentation (Repeat 3 times)


Benchmark (No Stain Matrices Caching)


Method CPU[s] GPU[s] StainTool[s]
Vahadane 119 7.5 20.9
Macenko 5.57 0.479 20.7
Reinhard 0.840 0.024 0.414


Method CPU[s] GPU[s] StainTool[s]
Vahadane 132 8.40 19.1
Macenko 6.99 0.064 20.0
Reinhard 0.422 0.011 0.076

Batchified Concentration Computation

Use Cases and Tips

import cv2
import torch
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from torch_staintools.normalizer import NormalizerBuilder
from torch_staintools.augmentor import AugmentorBuilder
import os
seed = 0

# cpu or gpu
device = torch.device("cuda:0")

root_dir = '.'
target = cv2.imread(os.path.join(root_dir, 'test_images/TCGA-33-4547-01Z-00-DX7.'
# shape: Height (H) x Width (W) x Channel (C, for RGB C=3)
target = cv2.cvtColor(target, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
norm = cv2.imread(os.path.join(root_dir, 'test_images/TCGA-95-8494-01Z-00-DX1.'
# shape: HWC
norm = cv2.cvtColor(norm, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

# shape: Batch x Channel x Height x Width (BCHW); in the showcase here batch size is 1 (B=1) - scaled to [0, 1] torch.float32
target_tensor = ToTensor()(target).unsqueeze(0).to(device)

# shape: BCHW - scaled to [0, 1] torch.float32
norm_tensor = ToTensor()(norm).unsqueeze(0).to(device)

# ######## Normalization
# create the normalizer - using vahadane. Alternatively can use 'macenko' or 'reinhard'.
# note this is equivalent to:
# from torch_staintools.normalizer.separation import StainSeparation
# normalizer_vahadane ='vahadane', **arguments)

# we use the 'ista' (ISTA algorithm) to get the sparse solution of the factorization: STAIN_MATRIX * Concentration = OD
# alternatively, 'cd' (coordinate descent) and 'ls' (least square from torch.linalg) is available.
# Note that 'ls' does not can be much faster on batches of smaller input, but may fail on GPU for individual large input 
# in terms of width and height, regardless of the batch size due to the issue reported here: 
normalizer_vahadane ='vahadane', concentration_method='ista')
# move the normalizer to the device (CPU or GPU)
normalizer_vahadane =
# fit. For macenko and vahadane this step will compute the stain matrix and concentration
# transform
# BCHW - scaled to [0, 1] torch.float32
output = normalizer_vahadane(norm_tensor)

# ###### Augmentation
# augment by: alpha * concentration + beta, while alpha is uniformly randomly sampled from (1 - sigma_alpha, 1 + sigma_alpha),
# and beta is uniformly randomly sampled from (-sigma_beta, sigma_beta).
augmentor ='vahadane',
                                   # fix the random number generator seed for reproducibility.
                                   # the luminosity threshold to find the tissue region to augment
                                   # if set to None means all pixels are treated as tissue
                                   # herein we use 'ista' to compute the concentration
                                   sigma_beta=0.2, target_stain_idx=(0, 1),
                                   # this allows to cache the stain matrix if it's too time-consuming to recompute.
                                   # e.g., if using Vahadane algorithm
                                   # size limit of cache. -1 means no limit (stain matrix is often small in size, e.g., 2 x 3)
                                   # if specified, the augmentor will load the cached stain matrices from file system.
# move augmentor to the corresponding device
augmentor =

num_augment = 5
# multiple copies of different random augmentation of the same tile may be generated
for _ in range(num_augment):
    # B x C x H x W
    # use a list of Hashable key (e.g., str) to map the batch input to its corresponding stain matrix in cache.
    # this key should be unique, e.g., using the filename of the input tile.
    # leave it as None if no caching is intended, even if use_cache is enabled.
    # note since the inputs are all batchified, the cache_key are in form of a list, with each element in the 
    # list corresponding to a data point in the batch.
    aug_out = augmentor(norm_tensor, cache_keys=['some unique key'])
    # do anything to the augmentation output

# dump the cache of stain matrices for future usage

# fast batch operation
tile_size = 512
tiles: torch.Tensor = norm_tensor.unfold(2, tile_size, tile_size)\
    .unfold(3, tile_size, tile_size).reshape(1, 3, -1, tile_size, tile_size).squeeze(0).permute(1, 0, 2, 3).contiguous()
# use macenko normalization as example
normalizer_macenko ='macenko', use_cache=True,
                                             # use least square solver, along with cache, to perform
                                             # normalization on-the-fly
normalizer_macenko =

Stain Matrix Caching

As elaborated in the below in the running time benchmark of fitting, computation of stain matrix could be time-consuming. Therefore, for both Augmentor and Normalizer, an in-memory (device-specified) cache is implemented to store the previously computed stain matrices (typically with size 2 x 3 in H&E/RGB cases). To enable the feature, the use_cache must be enabled, should you use the factory builders to instantiate the Normalizer or Augmentor. Upon the normalization/augmentation procedure, a unique cache_key corresponding to the image input must be defined (e.g., file name). Since both Normalizer and Augmentor are designed as torch.nn.Module to accept batch inputs (tensors of shape B x C x H x W), a list of cache_keys must be given along with the batch image inputs during the forward passing:

normalizer_vahadane(input_batch, cache_keys=list_of_keys_corresponding_to_input_batch)
augmentor(input_batch, cache_keys=list_of_keys_corresponding_to_input_batch)

The next time Normalizer or Augmentor process the images, the corresponding stain matrices will be queried and fetched from cache if they are stored already, rather than recomputing from scratch.
