DrSensor / F.I.D.E

A desktop application like File Explorer apps but for IoT data
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link
desktop-application drawing iot mqtt schematics

F.I.D.E Field IoT Data/Device Explorer (WIP)


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Field IoT Data/Device Explorer

A desktop application for manage and explore IoT Device in the Field


This app aims to help manage and explore IoT Data by taking File Explorer like app approach. In this case the data can be from third party MQTT broker (e.g AWSIoT or Mosquitto).

The idea are each MQTT topic can be linked to file or folder from your local drive or Cloud Drive Storage (e.g Google Drive, BIM360 docs). Then you can explore the file and the real time data at the same time. Some benefit of this that you can relate IoT device to Floor Plan drawing then the drawing can be interact to control/monitor devices.

Use case

Some use case that this app can do:


Notice that, this project is still under active development, many functionalities or features are not implemented yet, and some parts are still buggy. Until it reach version 1.0.0, this project will not fully follow Semantic Versioning rule. Each MINOR ( e.g v0.n.0 ) release can introduces breaking change.


All individuals can contribute by making Pull-Request but only individuals that making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit.

See CONTRIBUTING.md and openopensource.org for more details.


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