Fitbit / golden-gate

Framework to connect wearables and other IoT devices to mobile phones, tablets and PCs with an IP-based protocol stack over Bluetooth Low Energy
293 stars 31 forks source link
ble bluetooth coap coap-client coap-server corebluetooth dtls gatt gatt-client gatt-server ip lwip network networking protocol tcp-ip

Project Golden Gate

Golden Gate bridge image - public domain photo via Good Free Photos

:warning: Work In Progress

This documentation is not yet complete. As we migrate the project from an internal project to one that can be shared with others, we are busy migrating some of the documentation from internal Wiki pages, Google docs and slide decks.

Golden Gate is a portable cross-platform framework that offers reliable and secure network communication between different combinations of embedded devices, mobile applications and desktop applications over Bluetooth Low Energy.

The framework provides developers with a familiar model, allowing them to implement their functionality the same way they would in other networked environments, leveraging familiar standards like CoAP, WebSockets, HTTP, MQTT, TLS, and TCP/UDP/IP, even when the underlying operating system or transport doesn't natively support those. It can run in many environments, from embedded systems with very limited resources like wearables and IoT devices, to mobile and desktop. The initial focus is on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connections, but the framework is general in nature, it is designed to work with any type of transport. BLE APIs on mobile operating systems like iOS and Android, as well as most embedded APIs, only offer the limited functionality of BLE GATT; so the Golden Gate framework's networking stack extends that low-level access, allowing a complete IP-based stack to be layered on top of it.

The project consists of:

By integrating the library in your own app or IoT device, leveraging some of the examples included in the project, you will be able to start building your own communicating applications and services.

Where To Start

Visit the online documentation (or build the doc from within the project).