GOFIRST-Robotics / Lunabotics

The official NASA Lunabotics GitHub repository for University of Minnesota Robotics.
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arduino gstreamer jetson-agx-orin nvidia-isaac-ros ros2 ros2-humble


The official NASA Lunabotics GitHub repository for University of Minnesota Robotics.

Lint Check Trufflehog Scan

graph LR
    subgraph A[Operator Laptop]
        B[RQT Camera Frontend]
    subgraph C[Robot]
        subgraph F[Nvidia Jetson AGX Orin]
            H[GStreamer NVENC AV1 Encoding]
            N[Subsystem ROS 2 Nodes]
            P[ZED ROS 2 Wrapper]
        D[Arduino Microcontroller]
        K[Limit Switches and Absolute Encoders]
        E[VESC Motor Controllers]
    K --> D
    O <-- Serial Bus --> D
    H -- WiFi Connection --> B
    L <-- CAN Bus --> E
    P --> I
    I -- Cost Map --> M
    M --> O
    J -- /joy --> O
    M -- /cmd_vel --> N
    G -- /CAN/can0/transmit --> L
    L -- /CAN/can0/receive --> G
    O -- /cmd_vel --> N
    O -- ROS 2 Services --> N
    N -- ROS 2 Services --> G

How to Run Inside Docker Container

How to Run Inside the Dev Container On Windows/Mac
Open vscode then press ctrl+shift+p and type "Clone Repository in Container Volume". Select "Dev Containers: Clone Repository in Container Volume" and then select "Clone a repository from GitHub in a Container Volume". Search for and select our Lunabotics repository.

If your machine does not have an Nvidia GPU or you haven't set it up with [container-toolkit](https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/install-guide.html), run the following commands in the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P): ``` Tasks: Configure Default Build Task Build No GPU Tasks ``` After opening the container, run the following commands in the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P): ``` Tasks: Run Build Task ```
Updating Dev Container For Windows/Mac
If you ever need to rebuild the remote container image, first update the x86_64 and aarch64 images: ``` cd ~/Lunabotics/src/isaac_ros/isaac_ros_common/docker docker build --build-arg="BASE_IMAGE=nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac/ros:x86_64-ros2_humble_bcf535ea3b9d16a854aaeb1701ab5a86" -f Dockerfile.user -t umnrobotics/isaac_ros:x86_64.ros2_humble.user . docker build --build-arg="BASE_IMAGE=umnrobotics/isaac_ros:x86_64.ros2_humble.user" -f Dockerfile.umn -t umnrobotics/isaac_ros:x86_64.ros2_humble.user.umn . docker push umnrobotics/isaac_ros:x86_64.ros2_humble.user.umn docker build --build-arg="BASE_IMAGE=nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac/ros:aarch64-ros2_humble_b7e1ed6c02a6fa3c1c7392479291c035" -f Dockerfile.user -t umnrobotics/isaac_ros:arm64.ros2_humble.user --platform "arm64" . docker build --build-arg="BASE_IMAGE=umnrobotics/isaac_ros:arm64.ros2_humble.user" -f Dockerfile.umn -t umnrobotics/isaac_ros:arm64.ros2_humble.user.umn --platform "arm64" . docker push umnrobotics/isaac_ros:arm64.ros2_humble.user.umn ``` Then, run the following command with the devcontainer cli installed: ``` docker pull umnrobotics/isaac_ros:x86_64.ros2_humble.user.umn docker pull umnrobotics/isaac_ros:arm64.ros2_humble.user.umn --platform "arm64" docker manifest rm umnrobotics/isaac_ros:latest docker manifest create umnrobotics/isaac_ros:latest --amend umnrobotics/isaac_ros:arm64.ros2_humble.user.umn --amend umnrobotics/isaac_ros:x86_64.ros2_humble.user.umn docker manifest push umnrobotics/isaac_ros:latest docker buildx create --use devcontainer build --push true --workspace-folder . --platform="linux/amd64,linux/arm64" --image-name "umnrobotics/ros:isaac_ros_devcontainer" ```
How to Run Inside ISAAC ROS Container/Dev Container On Linux/Jetson
First, do the following before running run_dev.sh: ``` printf "CONFIG_IMAGE_KEY=ros2_humble.realsense.deepstream.user.zed.umn \n" > ~/Lunabotics/src/isaac_ros/isaac_ros_common/scripts/.isaac_ros_common-config ``` To use Gazebo in the ISAAC ROS container, do this instead: ``` printf "CONFIG_IMAGE_KEY=ros2_humble.realsense.deepstream.user.zed.umn.gazebo \n" > ~/Lunabotics/src/isaac_ros/isaac_ros_common/scripts/.isaac_ros_common-config ```
Regular Container
To make it so zed modules won't rerun every time you start the container, do this: ``` echo "-v /usr/local/zed/resources:/usr/local/zed/resources -v /ssd:/ssd" > ~/Lunabotics/src/isaac_ros/isaac_ros_common/scripts/.isaac_ros_dev-dockerargs ``` Then run this command: ``` cd ~/Lunabotics/src/isaac_ros/isaac_ros_common/docker ../scripts/run_dev.sh ~/Lunabotics ```
Dev Container
First run this command to build the container: ``` ../scripts/build_devcontainer_image.sh ``` Then use Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) to open devcontainer ``` >Dev Containers: Reopen in Container ```
It is also worth noting that the docker buildkit doesn't respect Nvidia runtime for building which is needed for zed, so if you set up a new jetson you will need to do one of the following (https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_common/issues/98#issuecomment-1777711989)

ROS 2 General Workspace Tips

Make sure to source install/setup.bash in every new terminal.

Run rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y --skip-keys "nvblox negotiated" to install package dependencies.

Run rm -rf build install log to clean your workspace.

To normalize line endings in git, use the command:

git config --global core.autocrlf true

Gazebo Simulation

Gazebo Installation & Resources
Install Gazebo Fortress by running: `sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ros-gz` More info [here](https://gazebosim.org/docs/garden/ros_installation). Remember that we are using ROS 2 Humble. Instructions for building the ROS bridge (ros_gz) can be found [here](https://github.com/gazebosim/ros_gz/tree/humble#from-source). Information about ROS types -> gazebo types can be found [here](https://github.com/gazebosim/ros_gz/blob/ros2/ros_gz_bridge/README.md)
Running the Gazebo Simulation
To run the Gazebo simulation: ``` colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to ros_gz_launch source install/setup.bash ros2 launch ros_gz_launch UCF_field.launch.py ``` Then to control the robot, you will need to run: ``` ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard ``` in another terminal to control the robot with your keyboard. Alternatively, you can run these nodes: ``` ros2 run joy joy_node ros2 run rovr_control main_control_node ``` to control the robot using a gamepad and our button bindings assigned in the main_control_node.

Start the Joystick Node with params

ros2 run joy joy_node --ros-args --params-file config/joy_node.yaml

Apriltag Detection Setup

Follow this tutorial to set up Apriltag detection on your machine.

VESC CAN Bus References

VESC CAN Status Frames Spreadsheet

VESC 6 CAN Formats

VESC Control with CAN

How to load the CAN modules at startup on Nvidia Jetson
1: Put the following in a .conf file in /modules-load.d/ ``` #Setting up the CAN bus can can_raw mttcan #eof ``` 2: Find the file /etc/modprobe.d/denylist-mttcan.conf and either delete it or comment out the one line in it (The filename might be .../blacklist-mttcan.conf) 3: Make a script called "can_startup.sh" in the root directory for the system, with the following contents: ``` #! /usr/bin/sh sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 sudo ip link set can1 up type can bitrate 500000 ``` 4: Run the command "sudo crontab -e" and put this line in the file that appears: ``` @reboot sleep 5 && echo 'robot' | sudo -S sh / can_startup.sh 2>&1 | logger -t mycmd ``` And that should work. If it doesn't and you need to read the output of the crontab, use this command: ``` sudo grep 'mycmd' /var/log/syslog ```

GStreamer References

Accelerated GStreamer Guide

Gstreamer Server/Client Instructions
To start gstreamer client make sure to add the deepstream layer to the docker layers To start the gstreamer client run the following commands: ```bash colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to gstreamer source install/setup.bash rqt --force-discover ``` To start the gstreamer server run the following commands: ```bash colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to gstreamer source install/setup.bash ros2 run gstreamer server_node ```

Set static serial ports on the Jetson

Follow these instructions.

Jetson External HDD Commands

sudo service docker stop
sudo mv /var/lib/docker /hd/docker
sudo ln -s /hd/docker /var/lib/docker # Create a symbolic link
sudo service docker start