JulianKemmerer / PipelineC

A C-like hardware description language (HDL) adding high level synthesis(HLS)-like automatic pipelining as a language construct/compiler feature.
GNU General Public License v3.0
569 stars 46 forks source link
c fpga fpga-acceleration fpga-accelerators fpga-programming hardware hardware-description hardware-description-language high-level-synthesis hls open-source-hardware pipelines python vhdl


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Please feel free to message - very happy to make PipelineC work for you! Always looking for help as well. -Julian

Getting Started

Get started by reading the wiki.

What is PipelineC?

A C-like(1) hardware description language (HDL)(2) adding high level synthesis(HLS)-like automatic pipelining(3) as a language construct/compiler feature.

  1. Not actually regular C. But can be partly compiled by gcc/llvm for doing basic functional verification/'simulation'. Reach out if interested in developing more complex language syntax!
  2. Can reasonably replace Verilog/VHDL. Compiler produces synthesizable and human readable+debuggable VHDL. Hooks exist for inserting raw VHDL / existing IP / black boxes.
  3. If a computation can be written as a pure function without side effects (i.e. no global/static variables) then it will be autopipelined. Conceptually similar to technologies like Intel's variable latency Hyper-Pipelining and Xilinx's retiming options. Sharing some of the compiler driven pipelining design goals of Google's XLS Project, the DFiantHDL language, and certain CIRCT dialects as well.

What is PipelineC not?

Core Features/Benefits

An easy to understand hardware description language with a powerful autopipelining compiler and growing set of real life hardware design inspired features.

Fundamental design elements are state machines/stateful elements(registers, rams, etc), auto-pipelined stateless pure functions, and interconnects (wires,cdc,async fifos,etc). Designs can be structured to look like 'communicating sequential processes/threads' as needed.

By isolating complex logic into autopipelineable functions, and only writing literal clock by clock hardware description when absolutely necessary, PipelineC designs do not need to be rewritten for each new target device / operating frequency. The hope is to build shared, high performance, device agnostic, hardware designs described in a familiar and powerfully composable C language look.

For software folks writing PipelineC should feel like solving a programming puzzle in C - the rules of the puzzle hide/imply hardware concepts. For hardware folks PipelineC is a better hardware description language trying to find middle ground between traditional RTL and HLS. It is my language of choice as an FPGA engineer :).