BACTpipe is a whole genome sequencing workflow. It does quality assessment of paired input reads, tries to assess if the sample contains mixed or pure isolates, performs de novo assembly, and annotates the assembled genome. BACTpipe uses Nextflow as a workflow manager.
Complete documentation is available at
You need to have Nextflow, and conda installed. When running with the default local profile all other software will be installed into local environments by conda througout the process.
Nextflow makes it easy to run BACTpipe:
$ nextflow run KThorellGroup/BACTpipe --reads 'path/to/reads/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz'
This will run BACTpipe locally. For more details on how to run BACTpipe, see the official documentation at
BACTpipe is published under the MIT license 2018-2021