Kei18 / lacam

LaCAM: Search-Based Algorithm for Quick Multi-Agent Pathfinding (AAAI-23)
MIT License
40 stars 16 forks source link
mapf multi-agent-path-finding multi-agent-pathfinding path-planning pathfinding


MIT License CI

The code repository of the paper "LaCAM: Search-Based Algorithm for Quick Multi-Agent Pathfinding" (AAAI-23).


All you need is CMake (≥v3.16). The code is written in C++(17).

First, clone this repo with submodules.

git clone --recursive
cd lacam

Then, build the project.

cmake -B build && make -C build


You can also use the docker environment (based on Ubuntu18.04) instead of the native one.

# ~10 min, mostly for CMake build
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec dev bash
> cmake -B build && make -C build


build/main -i assets/random-32-32-10-random-1.scen -m assets/ -N 50 -v 1

The result will be saved in build/result.txt.

Output File This is an example output of `random-32-32-10-random-1.scen`. `(x, y)` denotes location. `(0, 0)` is the left-top point. `(x, 0)` is the location at `x`-th column and 1st row. ``` agents=50 solver=planner solved=1 soc=1316 soc_lb=1113 makespan=55 makespan_lb=53 sum_of_loss=1191 sum_of_loss_lb=1113 comp_time=1 seed=0 starts=(11,6),(29,9),[...] goals=(7,18),(1,16),[...] solution= 0:(11,6),(29,9),[...] 1:(10,6),(29,10),[...] [...] ```

You can find details of all parameters with:

build/main --help


@Kei18/mapf-visualizer is available.


The experimental script is written in Julia ≥1.7. Setup may require around 10 minutes.

sh scripts/

Edit the config file as you like. Examples are in scripts/config . The evaluation starts by following commands.

julia --project=scripts/ --threads=auto
> include("scripts/eval.jl"); main("scripts/config/mapf-bench.yaml")


git config core.hooksPath .githooks && chmod a+x .githooks/pre-commit


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.


Keisuke Okumura is a Ph.D. student at Tokyo Institute of Technology, interested in controlling multiple moving agents.