Lee-Gihun / MEDIAR

(NeurIPS 2022 CellSeg Challenge - 1st Winner) Open source code for "MEDIAR: Harmony of Data-Centric and Model-Centric for Multi-Modality Microscopy"
MIT License
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biomedical cell-biology cell-segmentation instance-segmentation miscroscopy monai multi-modality multi-resolution neurips-2022 pytorch pytorch-implementation pytorch-segmentation vision-transformer

MEDIAR: Harmony of Data-Centric and Model-Centric for Multi-Modality Microscopy


This repository provides an official implementation of MEDIAR: MEDIAR: Harmony of Data-Centric and Model-Centric for Multi-Modality Microscopy, which achieved the "1st winner" in the NeurIPS-2022 Cell Segmentation Challenge.

To access and try mediar directly, please see links below.

1. MEDIAR Overview

MEIDAR is a framework for efficient cell instance segmentation of multi-modality microscopy images. The above figure illustrates an overview of our approach. MEDIAR harmonizes data-centric and model-centric approaches as the learning and inference strategies, achieving a 0.9067 Mean F1-score on the validation datasets. We provide a brief description of methods that combined in the MEDIAR. Please refer to our paper for more information.

2. Methods




Testing steps

Preprocessing & Augmentations

Strategy Type Probability
Clip Pre-processing .
Normalization Pre-processing .
Scale Intensity Pre-processing .
Zoom Spatial Augmentation 0.5
Spatial Crop Spatial Augmentation 1.0
Axis Flip Spatial Augmentation 0.5
Rotation Spatial Augmentation 0.5
Cell-Aware Intensity Intensity Augmentation 0.25
Gaussian Noise Intensity Augmentation 0.25
Contrast Adjustment Intensity Augmentation 0.25
Gaussian Smoothing Intensity Augmentation 0.25
Histogram Shift Intensity Augmentation 0.25
Gaussian Sharpening Intensity Augmentation 0.25
Boundary Exclusion Others .
Learning Setups Pretraining Fine-tuning
Initialization (Encoder) Imagenet-1k pretrained from Pretraining
Initialization (Decoder, Head) He normal initialization from Pretraining
Batch size 9 9
Total epochs 80 (60) 200 (25)
Optimizer AdamW AdamW
Initial learning rate (lr) 5e-5 2e-5
Lr decay schedule Cosine scheduler (100 interval) Cosine scheduler (100 interval)
Loss function MSE, BCE MSE, BCE

4. Results

Validation Dataset

Test Dataset

F1_osilab RunningTime_osilab

5. Reproducing

Our Environment

Computing Infrastructure
System Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
CPU AMD EPYC 7543 32-Core Processor CPU@2.26GHz
RAM 500GB; 3.125MT/s
GPU (number and type) NVIDIA A5000 (24GB) 2ea
CUDA version 11.7
Programming language Python 3.9
Deep learning framework Pytorch (v1.12, with torchvision v0.13.1)
Code dependencies MONAI (v0.9.0), Segmentation Models (v0.3.0)
Specific dependencies None

To install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt
wandb off


  ├── Datasets
  │   ├── images (images can have various extensions: .tif, .tiff, .png, .bmp ...)
  │   │    ├── cell_00001.png
  │   │    ├── cell_00002.tif
  │   │    ├── cell_00003.xxx
  │   │    ├── ...  
  │   └── labels (labels must have .tiff extension.)
  │   │    ├── cell_00001_label.tiff 
  │   │    ├── cell_00002.label.tiff
  │   │    ├── cell_00003.label.tiff
  │   │    ├── ...
  └── ...

Before execute the codes, run the follwing code to generate path mappting json file:

python ./generate_mapping.py --root=<path_to_data>


To train the model(s) in the paper, run the following command:

python ./main.py --config_path=<path_to_config>

Configuration files are in ./config/*. We provide the pretraining, fine-tuning, and prediction configs. You can refer to the configuration options in the ./config/mediar_example.json. We also implemented the official challenge baseline code in our framework. You can run the baseline code by running the ./config/baseline.json.


To conduct prediction on the testing cases, run the following command:

python predict.py --config_path=<path_to_config>


If you have the labels run the following command for evaluation:

python ./evaluate.py --pred_path=<path_to_prediciton_results> --gt_path=<path_to_ground_truth_labels>

The configuration files for predict.py is slightly different. Please refer to the config files in ./config/step3_prediction/*.

Trained Models

You can download MEDIAR pretrained and finetuned models here:

Citation of this Work

  title={Mediar: Harmony of data-centric and model-centric for multi-modality microscopy},
  author={Lee, Gihun and Kim, SangMook and Kim, Joonkee and Yun, Se-Young},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03465},