Neroware / GodotRx

Reactive Extensions for Godot Engine version 4
MIT License
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GodotRx - Reactive Extensions for the Godot Game Engine version 4 (GDRx)

(For the native version, go to


Untested While it is almost a direct port of RxPY, this library has not yet been fully battle tested in action. Proceed with caution! Test submissions and bug reports are welcome!

What is GodotRx?

GodotRx (short: GDRx) is a full implementation of ReactiveX for the Godot Game Engine 4. The code was originally ported from RxPY (see: as Python shares a lot of similarities with GDScript.

Why Rx? ReactiveX allows a more declarative programming style working on observable data streams. It encourages high cohesion and low coupling rendering the code more easily readable and extendable.

The Godot Engine offers a robust event system in form of signals and a seamless implementation of coroutines, making it easy to execute asynchronous code. This allows you to run code outside of the typical sequential order, which is essential for handling complex tasks like user inputs, network responses, and animations.

In this context, an observer listens to an observable event, which triggers when something significant occurs in the program, leading to side effects in the connected instances. For example, this could be a player attacking an enemy on button press or picking up an item when a collision is detected.

GDRx enhances this idea by converting all forms of data within the program, such as GD-signals, GD-lifecycle events, callbacks, data structures, coroutines, etc., into observable data streams that emit items. These data streams, known as 'Observables', are immutable and can be transformed using functional programming techniques to describe more complex behavior. (Say hello to Flat-Map, Filter, Reduce, and their functional friends!)


You can add GDRx to your Godot 4 project as followed:

  1. Download this repository as an archive.
  2. Navigate to your project's root folder.
  3. Extract GDRx into your project's addons directory. The path needs to be res://addons/reactivex/.
  4. Ensure that the plugin is enabled.
  5. Add the singleton script at res://addons/reactivex/ to autoload as GDRx.
  6. GDRx should now be ready to use. Try creating a simple Observable using:
GDRx.just(42).subscribe(func(i): print("The answer: " + str(i)))


GDRx is a full implementation of the Observer design pattern combined with the Iterator design pattern. The following classes are featured:

Observer: An observer is an entity that listens to an observable sequence. In standard GDScript, you would connect a Callable to a Signal creating an implicit observer that receives a notification from the signal and forwards it to the corresponding callback. In GDRx, each observer follows a strict contract consisting of the three notifications on_next(item), on_error(error) and on_completed().

Observable: An observable is an entity that can be subscribed to by an observer. This is achieved through the subscription-operator, a method with the signature subscribe(on_next, on_error, on_completed). Whenever an observer subscribes to the observables via the subscription-method it receives notifications from the observer-observable-contract over the course of the observer's active subscription.

Disposable: Disposables are entities that represent subscriptions in GDRx. They are used for clean-up and dispose themselves automatically when they go out of scope or when the method dispose() is called explicitly. The subscription-operator returns the new subscription (in Godot you would call it connection) as a disposable. Since disposables delete themselves when going out of scope, their lifetime can be linked to another object's lifetime via the method dispose_with(obj). Also a huge shoutout to Semickolon ( for his amazing hack which automatically disposes subscriptions on instance death. Good on ya!

Scheduler: Schedulers schedule pieces of work (actions) for execution. The most prominent scheduling strategies in GDRx are as followed:

Iterable: Iterables are sequences that can be iterated using Godot's for-loop. They become relevant when working with observable data streams and can also be infinite.

Subject: A subject implements both observable and observer behavior meaning it can receive notifications and allow other observers to subscribe to it at the same time.

ReactiveProperty: A reactive property is a special form of observable that maintains a value and sends notifications whenever a change to said value occurs. Highly useful!

Operator: An operator is a function taking an observable sequence and transforming it to another. A large set of functional operators can be used to transform observables. Be careful! I have not tested them all...! Test submissions are welcome! For more info, also check out the comments in the operator scripts!

Throwable: The item of an on_error-notification. Raising an error sends a notification to all observers of the corresponding observable sequence, which terminates the stream ungracefully. This does not work with observables containing coroutines due to Godot's technical limitations!

For more information, it is recommended to read the RxPY documentation, which covers all the features of GDRx that are not directly related to the Godot Engine.



In GodotRx, an observer listens to an observable sequence. The GDRx-singleton contains a selection of constructors:

var observable = GDRx.from([1, 2, 3, 4])

A connection can be established via Observable.subscribe(...) as followed:

var subscription = observable.subscribe(
    func(i): print("next> ", i), 
    func(e): print("Err> ", e), 
    func(): print("Completed!"))

A subscription is automatically disposed whenever it goes out of scope. Do not forget to link subscription lifetime to an object via Disposable.dispose_with(obj):

GDRx.start_periodic_timer(1.0) \
    .subscribe(func(i): print("Tick: ", i)) \


Timers were already possible either by using the Timer-Node or by combining a coroutine with an awaited timeout signal of a SceneTreeTimer. For periodic timers, code gets even more convoluted. GDRx drastically simplifies creating timers.

func _ready():
    GDRx.start_periodic_timer(1.0) \
        .subscribe(func(i): print("Periodic: ", i)) \
    GDRx.start_timer(2.0) \
        .subscribe(func(i): print("One shot: ", i)) \

If you want to schedule a timer running on a separate thread, the ThreadedTimeoutScheduler Singleton allows you to do so. Careful: Once the thread is started it will not stop until the interval has passed!

    GDRx.start_timer(3.0, ThreadedTimeoutScheduler.singleton()) \
        .subscribe(func(i): print("Threaded one shot: ", i)) \
    GDRx.start_periodic_timer(2.0, ThreadedTimeoutScheduler.singleton()) \
        .subscribe(func(i): print("Threaded periodic: ", i)) \

Additionally, various process and pause modes are possible. I created a list with various versions of the SceneTreeTimeoutScheduler for this. Access them like this:

    Engine.time_scale = 0.5

    var process_always = false
    var process_in_physics = false
    var ignore_time_scale = false

    var scheduler = SceneTreeTimeoutScheduler.singleton(
        process_always, process_in_physics, ignore_time_scale)

Note that the default SceneTreeTimeoutScheduler runs at process timestep scaling with Engine.time_scale and also considers pause mode.

Transforming signals

A very nice feature of GodotRx are signal transformations through observables. Let us take a simple example with two signals. Assume, we only want to execute logic, when both signals are emitted. In Godot, this would require some additional logic in the signal's callbacks. In GDRx, this can be achieved this behavior through observable transformations.

signal signal_a(a)
signal signal_b(b)

var combined_signal : Observable

func _ready():
    combined_signal = GDRx.from_signal(signal_a) \

Using the from_signal-constructor, an observable can be created on top of a signal, which emits items whenever the signal is emitted. Using the zip-operator, the resulting observable only emits items, when both signals have been emitted. This even has the advantages that the resulting observable can be passed around like a Signal instance as first-class-citizen.

Error handling

GDRx features custom error handling. Raising an error inside an observable sequence causes all observers to be notified with said error. The following is an example of a safe division operation.

var safe_division = func(a, b):
    return a / b if b != 0 else DividedByZeroError.raise(-1)
var mapped = GDRx.of([6, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1]) \
    .pairwise() \
    .map(func(tup : Tuple): return, tup.second))

This code results in the sequence "3, 2" after which the observers are notified with a "DividedByZeroError" notification terminating the observable.

Warning It is currently technically impossible to get the error handling working with asynchronous GDScript, meaning this will break in scenarios were errors are raised after an await-statement. If somebody has a solution to this problem, feel free to send me an E-Mail or answer to issue #20!


In GDRx, sequential execution of coroutines can be managed through observable streams, which helps readability.

var _reference

func coroutine1():
    # ... 
    print("Do something.")
    # ...
    await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout
    # ...
    print("Do something.")
    # ...

func coroutine3():
    await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout

func _ready():
            func(): return self._reference != null,
            GDRx.from_coroutine(func(): await self._reference.coroutine2())

Type fixation

GDScript is a fully dynamically typed language. This has many advantages, however, at some point, we might want to fix types of a certain computation. After all, variables can get type hints as well! Since Godot does not support generic types of Observables, we can still fix the type of a sequence with the oftype operator. Now observers can be sure to always receive items of the wanted type. Generating a wrong type will cause an error notification via the on_error contract. Per default, it also notifies the programmer via a push-error message in the editor.

This would be a good style, I think:

var _obs1 : Observable
var _obs2 : Observable

var Obs1 : Observable : #[int]
    get: return self._obs1.oftype(TYPE_INT)
var Obs2 : Observable : #[RefValue]
    get: return self._obs2.oftype(RefValue)

func _ready():
    self._obs1 : Observable = GDRx.from_array([1, 2, 3])
    self._obs2 : Observable = GDRx.just(RefValue.Set(42))


With GDRx multithreading is just one scheduling away.

var nfs : NewThreadScheduler = NewThreadScheduler.singleton()
GDRx.just(0, nfs) \
    .repeat(10) \
    .subscribe(func(__): print("Thread ID: ", OS.get_thread_caller_id())) \

Threads terminate automatically when they finish computation. No need to call Thread.wait_to_finish().

Godot Features

Reactive Properties

Reactive Properties are a special kind of Observable (and Disposable) which emit items whenever their value is changed. This is very useful e.g. for UI implementations. Creating a ReactiveProperty instance is straight forward. Access its contents via the Value property inside the ReactiveProperty instance.

var prop =
prop.subscribe(func(i): print(">> ", i))

# Emits an item on the stream
prop.Value += 42 

# Sends completion notification to observers and disposes the ReactiveProperty

Sometimes we want to construct a ReactiveProperty from a class member. This can be done via the ReactiveProperty.FromMember() constructor. The changed value is reflected onto the class member, though changing the member will NOT change the value of the ReactiveProperty.

var _hp : int = 100

var _stamina : float = 1.0
var _attack_damage : int = 100

func _ready():
    # Create ReactiveProperty from member
    var _Hp : ReactiveProperty = ReactiveProperty.FromMember(self, "_hp")
    var __ = _Hp.subscribe(func(i): print("Changed Hp ", i))
    _Hp.Value += 10
    print("Reflected: ", self._hp)

A ReadOnlyReactiveProperty with read-only access can be created via the ReactiveProperty.to_readonly() method. Trying to set the value will throw an error.

# To ReadOnlyReactiveProperty
var Hp : ReadOnlyReactiveProperty = _Hp.to_readonly()

# Writing to ReadOnlyReactiveProperty causes an error
    Hp.Value = -100
) \
.catch("Error", func(exc):
    print("Err: ", exc)
) \

A ReactiveProperty can also be created from a Setter and a Getter function

# Create Reactive Property from getter and setter
var set_stamina = func(v):
    print("Setter Callback")
    self._stamina = v

var get_stamina = func() -> float:
    print("Getter Callback")
    return self._stamina

var _Stamina = ReactiveProperty.FromGetSet(get_stamina, set_stamina)
_Stamina.Value = 0.8
print("Reflected> ", self._stamina)

A ReadOnlyReactiveProperty can also represent a computational step from a set of other properties. When one of the underlying properties is changed, the computed ReadOnlyReactiveProperty emits an item accordingly. A computed ReadOnlyReactiveProperty can be created via the ReactiveProperty.Computed{n}() constructor.

var Stamina : ReadOnlyReactiveProperty = _Stamina.to_readonly()
var _AttackDamage : ReactiveProperty = ReactiveProperty.FromMember(
    self, "_attack_damage")
var AttackDamage : ReadOnlyReactiveProperty = _AttackDamage.to_readonly()

# Create a computed ReadOnlyReactiveProperty
var TrueDamage : ReadOnlyReactiveProperty = ReactiveProperty.Computed2(
    Stamina, AttackDamage,
    func(st : float, ad : int): return (st * ad) as int
TrueDamage.subscribe(func(i): print("True Damage: ", i)).dispose_with(self)
_Stamina.Value = 0.2
_AttackDamage.Value = 90

Reactive Collections

A ReactiveCollection works similar to a ReactiveProperty with the main difference that it represents not a single value but a listing of values.

var collection : ReactiveCollection =["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])

Its constructor supports generators of type IterableBase as well...

Input Events

Very frequent input events are included as observables:

GDRx.on_mouse_down() \
    .filter(func(ev : InputEventMouseButton): return ev.button_index == 1) \
    .subscribe(func(__): print("Left Mouse Down!")) \

GDRx.on_mouse_double_click() \
    .filter(func(ev : InputEventMouseButton): return ev.button_index == 1) \
    .subscribe(func(__): print("Left Mouse Double-Click!")) \

GDRx.on_key_pressed(KEY_W) \
    .subscribe(func(__): print("W")) \

Frame Events

Main frame events can be directly accessed as observables as well:

# Do stuff before `_process(delta)` calls.
GDRx.on_idle_frame() \
    .subscribe(func(delta : float): print("delta> ", delta)) \

# Do stuff before `_physics_process(delta)` calls.
GDRx.on_physics_step() \
    .subscribe(func(delta : float): print("delta> ", delta)) \

# Emits items at pre-draw
GDRx.on_frame_pre_draw() \
    .subscribe(func(__): print("Pre Draw!")) \

# Emits items at post-draw
GDRx.on_frame_post_draw() \
    .subscribe(func(__): print("Post Draw!")) \

Final Thoughts

I hope I could clarify the usage of GDRx a bit using some of these examples.

I do not know if this library is useful in the case of Godot 4 but if you are familiar with and into ReactiveX, go for it!


Contributions and bug reports are always welcome! We also invite folks to submit unit tests verifiying the functionality of GDRx ;)


Distributed under the MIT License.