OpenShock / ShockOSC

OSC Application to interact with games implementing OSC like VRChat and ChilloutVR
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electrostim open-sound-control openshock osc shock-collar shock-collars vrchat-osc
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Avatar contacts setup for VRC

  1. Add a new bool parameter to your avatars (animator & params file). Name template ShockOsc/{GroupName} e.g. ShockOsc/Leg
  2. Configure one or more contact receivers on your avatar
  3. Set it to constant and have it drive the designated parameter you have just created
  4. Upload
  5. Reset & Enable OSC

Avatar PhysBone setup for VRC

You can use physbones to trigger shocks with verifying intensity based on the distance the bone is stretched once it's released.

  1. Add a new parameter to a physbone component on your avatar with the same name as your shocker, e.g. ShockOsc/Leg
  2. Add a new float parameter called ShockOsc/{GroupName}_Stretch to your avatars animator & do NOT add to params file
  3. Add a new bool parameter called ShockOsc/{ShockerName}_IsGrabbed to your avatars animator & do NOT add to params file
  4. Edit IntensityRange in the configuration file to your liking

Visual parameters

You can add some optional parameters to your avatar to visualize when the shocker is active or on cooldown. Add these parameters to your avatars animator & params file.

Virtual Groups

You can use the virtual, or pseudo, shockers with the name _Any and _All for some limited actions. Read more below.


This one can be used to make all shockers configured go off at the same time or with the same trigger.
This virtual shocker behaves just like another configured shockers, except it relays its actions to all others.

Instant Shocker Action

You may append _IShock to a shocker parameter if u want a shock to trigger instantly when this bool parameter jumps to true. This is useful when working with an animator setup or have contact receivers trigger immediately.

E.g. ShockOsc/_All_IShock


ShockOsc Contributors


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