OxC3 (0xC3 or Oxsomi core 3) is the successor to O(x)somi core v2 and v1. Specifically it combines the ostlc (standard template library), owc (window core) and ogc (graphics core) in the future. Focused more on being minimal abstraction compared to the predecessors by using C17 instead of C++20. Written so it can be wrapped with other languages (bindings) or even a VM in the future. Could also provide a C++20 layer for easier usage, such as operator overloads.
One of the useful things about C is that files are incredibly easy to compile and parse compared to C++; resulting in reduced build times and allowing easy parsing for reflection or even auto generated documentation for things like types, function signatures and errors a function might return.
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/Oxsomi/core3
Or just download the repo from GitHub.
build Release On Off
This assumes you have VS2022 installed, if not, you can specify a different CMake generator by editing build.bat.
Unfortunately it has only been implemented on Windows as of yet, but will be supporting other platforms like Android in the future.
OxC3 supports a virtual file system that allows baking/preprocessing of external file formats to our own, as well as embedding these files into the exe/apk directly. The executable embeds sections, which can be loaded individually and support dependencies. For example;
The example above shows the sections that are supported for our example executable. To access these resources from our application we have to load either the root or the specific sections:
_gotoIfError(clean, File_loadVirtual("//myLibrary/fonts", NULL)); //Load section.
_gotoIfError(clean, File_loadVirtual("//myLibrary", NULL)); //Load myLibrary.
_gotoIfError(clean, File_loadVirtual("//.", NULL)); //Load everything.
These files are decompressed and unencrypted (if they were) and kept in memory, so they can be quickly accessed. They can then be unloaded if they're deemed unimportant.
The example layout above is only useful if the dependencies have very little resources. The moment you have lots of resources (or little RAM) then you probably want to split them up based on how they're accessed. For example; if assets are only used in a certain level then consider splitting up the file structure per level to ensure little RAM is wasted on it. Another example could be splitting up assets based on level environment, so if only all forest environment levels use a certain tree, then it's wasteful to load that for every level. The levels would then reference dependencies to sections and these sections would then be loaded.
When a virtual file system is loaded, it can be accessed the same way as a normal file is loaded. The exception being that write access isn't allowed anymore. The only limitation is that files need both a library and a section folder //myLibrary/fonts/*
rather than //myLibrary/*
and the section has to be loaded. To ensure it is loaded, a File_loadVirtual can be called or File_isVirtualLoaded can be called.
The same limitations as with a normal file system apply here; the file names have to be windows compatible and section/library names are even stricter (Nytodecimal only; 0-9A-Za-z$_). These are case insensitive and will likely be transformed to a different casing depending on platform.
The only reserved library names besides the windows ones (NUL, COM, etc.) are: access, function. So //access/...
is reserved for future access to directories and files outside of the working directory and app directory (access has to be allowed through selecting for example from the Windows file explorer). //function/...
is reserved for future functionality to allow custom functionality to emulate for example old file formats; the fully resolved path would be passed to a user function to allow custom behavior.
to add the files to your project, you can use the following:
add_virtual_files(TARGET myProject NAME mySection ROOT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/res/mySectionFolder)
configure_icon(myProject "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/res/logo.ico")
Virtual files are then linked into the project.
To add a dependency, use the following:
add_virtual_dependencies(TARGET myProject DEPENDENCIES myDep)
This should be done before the configure_virtual_files and ensures the files for the dependency are present in this project. A dependency itself can't include an icon or use configure_virtual_files; as this is reserved for executables only.
Note: Dependencies can't be overlapping. So if B and C both include A then including B and C in D won't work.
To contribute to this repository, you agree to the contribution guidelines. Before merging a PR as an external party, you have to sign a contributor license agreement.
This repository is available under two licenses:
Any company not wanting to adhere to the LGPL3 license can contact us as contact@osomi.net.