PKU-Alignment / omnisafe

OmniSafe is an infrastructural framework for accelerating SafeRL research.
Apache License 2.0
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benchmark constraint-rl constraint-satisfaction-problem deep-learning deep-reinforcement-learning machine-learning pytorch reinforcement-learning safe-reinforcement-learning safe-rl saferl safety-critical safety-gym safety-gymnasium
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Documentation | Implemented Algorithms | Installation | Getting Started | License

OmniSafe is an infrastructural framework designed to accelerate safe reinforcement learning (RL) research. It provides a comprehensive and reliable benchmark for safe RL algorithms, and also an out-of-box modular toolkit for researchers. SafeRL intends to develop algorithms that minimize the risk of unintended harm or unsafe behavior.

OmniSafe stands as the inaugural unified learning framework in the realm of safe reinforcement learning, aiming to foster the Growth of SafeRL Learning Community. The key features of OmniSafe:

Train video

Table of Contents

Quick Start



OmniSafe requires Python 3.8+ and PyTorch 1.10+.

We support and test for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 on Linux. Meanwhile, we also support M1 and M2 versions of macOS. We will accept PRs related to Windows, but do not officially support it.

Install from source

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd omnisafe

# Create a conda environment
conda env create --file conda-recipe.yaml
conda activate omnisafe

# Install omnisafe
pip install -e .

Install from PyPI

OmniSafe is hosted in PyPI / Status.

pip install omnisafe

Implemented Algorithms

Latest SafeRL Papers - **[AAAI 2023]** Augmented Proximal Policy Optimization for Safe Reinforcement Learning (APPO) - **[NeurIPS 2022]** [Constrained Update Projection Approach to Safe Policy Optimization (CUP)]( - **[NeurIPS 2022]** [Effects of Safety State Augmentation on Safe Exploration (Simmer)]( - **[NeurIPS 2022]** [Model-based Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning via a Constrained Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm]( - **[ICML 2022]** [Sauté RL: Almost Surely Safe Reinforcement Learning Using State Augmentation (SauteRL)]( - **[IJCAI 2022]** [Penalized Proximal Policy Optimization for Safe Reinforcement Learning]( - **[AAAI 2022]** [Conservative and Adaptive Penalty for Model-Based Safe Reinforcement Learning (CAP)](
List of Algorithms On Policy SafeRL - [x] [The Lagrange version of PPO (PPO-Lag)]( - [x] [The Lagrange version of TRPO (TRPO-Lag)]( - [x] **[ICML 2017]** [Constrained Policy Optimization (CPO)]( - [x] **[ICLR 2019]** [Reward Constrained Policy Optimization (RCPO)]( - [x] **[ICML 2020]** [Responsive Safety in Reinforcement Learning by PID Lagrangian Methods (PID-Lag)]( - [x] **[NeurIPS 2020]** [First Order Constrained Optimization in Policy Space (FOCOPS)]( - [x] **[AAAI 2020]** [IPO: Interior-point Policy Optimization under Constraints (IPO)]( - [x] **[ICLR 2020]** [Projection-Based Constrained Policy Optimization (PCPO)]( - [x] **[ICML 2021]** [CRPO: A New Approach for Safe Reinforcement Learning with Convergence Guarantee]( - [x] **[IJCAI 2022]** [Penalized Proximal Policy Optimization for Safe Reinforcement Learning(P3O)]( Off Policy SafeRL - **[Preprint 2019]** [The Lagrangian version of DDPG (DDPGLag)]( - **[Preprint 2019]** [The Lagrangian version of TD3 (TD3Lag)]( - **[Preprint 2019]** [The Lagrangian version of SAC (SACLag)]( - **[ICML 2020]** [Responsive Safety in Reinforcement Learning by PID Lagrangian Methods (DDPGPID)]( - **[ICML 2020]** [Responsive Safety in Reinforcement Learning by PID Lagrangian Methods (TD3PID)]( - **[ICML 2020]** [Responsive Safety in Reinforcement Learning by PID Lagrangian Methods (SACPID)]( Model-Based SafeRL - [ ] **[NeurIPS 2021]** [Safe Reinforcement Learning by Imagining the Near Future (SMBPO)]( - [x] **[CoRL 2021 (Oral)]** [Learning Off-Policy with Online Planning (SafeLOOP)]( - [x] **[AAAI 2022]** [Conservative and Adaptive Penalty for Model-Based Safe Reinforcement Learning (CAP)]( - [x] **[NeurIPS 2022]** [Model-based Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning via a Constrained Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm]( - [ ] **[ICLR 2022]** [Constrained Policy Optimization via Bayesian World Models (LA-MBDA)]( - [x] **[ICML 2022 Workshop]** [Constrained Model-based Reinforcement Learning with Robust Cross-Entropy Method (RCE)]( - [x] **[NeurIPS 2018]** [Constrained Cross-Entropy Method for Safe Reinforcement Learning (CCE)]( Offline SafeRL - [x] [The Lagrange version of BCQ (BCQ-Lag)]( - [x] [The Constrained version of CRR (C-CRR)]( - [ ] **[AAAI 2022]** [Constraints Penalized Q-learning for Safe Offline Reinforcement Learning CPQ]( - [x] **[ICLR 2022 (Spotlight)]** [COptiDICE: Offline Constrained Reinforcement Learning via Stationary Distribution Correction Estimation]( - [ ] **[ICML 2022]** [Constrained Offline Policy Optimization (COPO)]( Others - [ ] **[RA-L 2021]** [Recovery RL: Safe Reinforcement Learning with Learned Recovery Zones]( - [x] **[ICML 2022]** [Sauté RL: Almost Surely Safe Reinforcement Learning Using State Augmentation (SauteRL)]( - [x] **[NeurIPS 2022]** [Effects of Safety State Augmentation on Safe Exploration](


cd examples
python --algo PPOLag --env-id SafetyPointGoal1-v0 --parallel 1 --total-steps 10000000 --device cpu --vector-env-nums 1 --torch-threads 1

Algorithms Registry

Domains Types Algorithms Registry
On Policy Primal Dual TRPOLag; PPOLag; PDO; RCPO
Convex Optimization CPO; PCPO; FOCOPS; CUP
Penalty Function IPO; P3O
Primal OnCRPO
Off Policy Primal-Dual DDPGLag; TD3Lag; SACLag
Model-based Online Plan SafeLOOP; CCEPETS; RCEPETS
Pessimistic Estimate CAPPETS
Offline Q-Learning Based BCQLag; C-CRR
Other Formulation MDP ET-MDP PPOEarlyTerminated; TRPOEarlyTerminated
SauteRL PPOSaute; TRPOSaute
SimmerRL PPOSimmerPID; TRPOSimmerPID

Supported Environments

Here is a list of environments that Safety-Gymnasium supports:

Category Task Agent Example
Safe Navigation Goal[012] Point, Car, Racecar, Ant SafetyPointGoal1-v0
Safe Velocity Velocity HalfCheetah, Hopper, Swimmer, Walker2d, Ant, Humanoid SafetyHumanoidVelocity-v1
Safe Isaac Gym OverSafeFinger ShadowHand ShadowHandOverSafeFinger

For more information about environments, please refer to Safety-Gymnasium.

Customizing your environment

We offer a flexible customized environment interface that allows users to achieve the following without modifying the OmniSafe source code:

We provide step-by-step tutorials on Environment Customization From Scratch and Environment Customization From Community to give you a detailed introduction on how to use this extraordinary feature of OmniSafe.

Note: If you find trouble customizing your environment, please feel free to open an issue or discussion. Pull requests are also welcomed if you're willing to contribute the implementation of your environments interface.

Try with CLI

pip install omnisafe

omnisafe --help  # Ask for help

omnisafe benchmark --help  # The benchmark also can be replaced with 'eval', 'train', 'train-config'

# Quick benchmarking for your research, just specify:
# 1. exp_name
# 2. num_pool(how much processes are concurrent)
# 3. path of the config file (refer to omnisafe/examples/benchmarks for format)

# Here we provide an exampe in ./tests/saved_source.
# And you can set your benchmark_config.yaml by following it
omnisafe benchmark test_benchmark 2 ./tests/saved_source/benchmark_config.yaml

# Quick evaluating and rendering your trained policy, just specify:
# 1. path of algorithm which you trained
omnisafe eval ./tests/saved_source/PPO-{SafetyPointGoal1-v0} --num-episode 1

# Quick training some algorithms to validate your thoughts
# Note: use `key1:key2`, your can select key of hyperparameters which are recursively contained, and use `--custom-cfgs`, you can add custom cfgs via CLI
omnisafe train --algo PPO --total-steps 2048 --vector-env-nums 1 --custom-cfgs algo_cfgs:steps_per_epoch --custom-cfgs 1024

# Quick training some algorithms via a saved config file, the format is as same as default format
omnisafe train-config ./tests/saved_source/train_config.yaml

Getting Started

Important Hints

We have provided benchmark results for various algorithms, including on-policy, off-policy, model-based, and offline approaches, along with parameter tuning analysis. Please refer to the following:

Quickstart: Colab on the Cloud

Explore OmniSafe easily and quickly through a series of Google Colab notebooks:

We take great pleasure in collaborating with our users to create tutorials in various languages. Please refer to our list of currently supported languages. If you are interested in translating the tutorial into a new language or improving an existing version, kindly submit a PR to us.



Citing OmniSafe

If you find OmniSafe useful or use OmniSafe in your research, please cite it in your publications.

  title   = {OmniSafe: An Infrastructure for Accelerating Safe Reinforcement Learning Research},
  author  = {Jiaming Ji, Jiayi Zhou, Borong Zhang, Juntao Dai, Xuehai Pan, Ruiyang Sun, Weidong Huang, Yiran Geng, Mickel Liu, Yaodong Yang},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.09304},
  year    = {2023}

Publications using OmniSafe

We have compiled a list of papers that use OmniSafe for algorithm implementation or experimentation. If you are willing to include your work in this list, or if you wish to have your implementation officially integrated into OmniSafe, please feel free to contact us.

Papers Publisher
Off-Policy Primal-Dual Safe Reinforcement Learning ICLR 2024
Safe Offline Reinforcement Learning with Feasibility-Guided Diffusion Model ICLR 2024
Iterative Reachability Estimation for Safe Reinforcement Learning NeurIPS 2023
Balance Reward and Safety Optimization for Safe Reinforcement Learning: A Perspective of Gradient Manipulation AAAI 2024
Learning Safety Constraints From Demonstration Using One-Class Decision Trees AAAI 2024 WorkShops

The OmniSafe Team

OmniSafe is mainly developed by the SafeRL research team directed by Prof. Yaodong Yang. Our SafeRL research team members include Borong Zhang, Jiayi Zhou, JTao Dai, Weidong Huang, Ruiyang Sun, Xuehai Pan and Jiaming Ji. If you have any questions in the process of using OmniSafe, don't hesitate to ask your questions on the GitHub issue page, we will reply to you in 2-3 working days.


OmniSafe is released under Apache License 2.0.