ShadowBlip / OpenGamepadUI

Open source gamepad-native game launcher and overlay
GNU General Public License v3.0
320 stars 14 forks source link
game gamescope godot godotengine launcher linux overlay

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Open Gamepad UI

OpenGamepadUI screenshot

OpenGamepadUI screenshot OpenGamepadUI screenshot OpenGamepadUI screenshot


Open Gamepad UI is a free and open source game launcher and overlay written using the Godot Game Engine 4 designed with a gamepad native experience in mind. Its goal is to provide an open and extendable foundation to launch and play games. It also implements a gamepad input system that can allow you to remap gamepad input to mouse and keyboard inputs.

:warning: NOTE: This project is currently in the very early stages of development.



You can read documentation about how to use and develop for the project here:


OpenGamepadUI is licensed under THE GNU GPLv3+. See LICENSE for details.