TheZlodziej / mqtt-simulator

Python app that lets you simulate data flow over mqtt. It allows you to publish complex, random objects as well as simple value on given mqtt topic. Easy to setup and use from both GUI and CLI mode.
7 stars 1 forks source link
cli cli-application data-flow dev-tool dev-tools gui gui-application iot iot-application iot-simulation iot-simulator mqtt mqtt-client mqtt-service mqtt-simulator simulation simulator


After cloning the repo, before running the app you need to install required packages. I recommend using virtual environment (venv) for this:


You can run the app with several arguments described below:

command shortened arguments example description
--set-broker -sb host (string), port (int) python -sb localhost 1883 sets current broker
--add-topic -at topic name (string), data format (string), interval [seconds] (float) python -at "my/topic" "<%randi%>" 10 adds topic to list
--no-gui -nogui - python -nogui launches app without gui
--verbose -v - python -v prints logs to console in addition to logs.txt file

Data format

Data format is a string containg formula for a message. Additionally, data format functions can accept arguments. Here is table with each function and argument described

function accepted arguments default example data format description
randi min (int), max (int) min = -2^31, max = 2^31-1 <%randi min=-10 max=10%> Sends random int from [min; max] range
randu min (int), max (int) min = 0, max = 2^32 - 1 <%randu min=10 max=20%> Sends random uint from [min; max] range
randf min (float), max (float) min = 0, max = 1 <%randf min=-1 max=16.9%> Sends random float from [min; max) range
rands collection (list of strings), length (int) length = 10 <%rands collection=["a","ab",'abc']%> Sends random string from given collection or generates random string with given length. If both arguments are passed, it will prioritize collection.
file src (string), separator (string) separator = "None" <%file src="test.txt" separator="\n"%> Sends data from given file one, split by given separator (or all of it at once if separator is not specified)
time - - <%time%> Sends current time (
datetime - - <%datetime%> Sends current date time in ISO format (
inc start (int | float), inc (int | float), reset (int | float) start = 0, inc = 1, reset = None <%inc start=0 inc=2 reset=10%> Every time the message is sent, the value is incremented by inc. When the value is more than reset it returns back to start.

Keep in mind that you dont always have to pass in all the arguments. If you skip any (for example max in randi, it will use the default value).

Argument value cannot contain space characters unless it's a string or a list (starts with ', " or [). For example:


Assume we want to revieve messages with following format

    "data": {
        "x": <some int>,
        "y": <some float>,

Our Data format would then be

{ "data": { "x": "<%randi%>", "y": "<%randf%>" } }

Manual setup of config file

You can always create config.json file yourself if you think writing it with the command line tool is too tedious - simply follow the format below (uuid is treated as str not uuid type, so you can use whatever unique string you want).

    "broker": { 
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 1883
    "topics": {
        "5b8cf095-c3c6-4730-8618-80811f4506ab": {
            "topic": "topic1"
            "data_format": "<%randi%>",
            "interval": 1,
            "manual": false
        "my-app-unique-id": {
            "topic": "test/topic2",
            "data_format": "{ \"x\": \"<%randu%>\" }",
            "interval": 1.5,
            "manual": false

result - app publishes random int value on 'topic1' every second and random uint value on 'test/topic2'


Keep in mind that the look of the app is dependent on user's system - QT uses native components.

Main window

Add topic window