CoordinateSharp is a simple .NET library written in C# that is designed to assist with geographic coordinate conversions, parsing, formatting, magnetic data, and location based celestial calculations such as sunset, sunrise, moonset, moonrise and more.
This library was built to help other developers. Please make the time and effort worth while by telling us what you are using it for.
.NET 4.0+ Framework, .NET 5.0+, or .NET Standard 1.3+ compatible runtimes.
CoordinateSharp is available as a nuget package from
Alternatively, you may download the library directly on our website
CoordinateSharp is split licensed. You may use CoordinateSharp for free under the AGPL-3.0 (requires software to be open source) or a commercial use license that absolves you of the AGPL-3.0 open source requirements. Details as well as pricing may be viewed on our website.
CoordinateSharp is simple to use. In the below example we can create a Coordinate
using one of the methods below.
//Seattle coordinates on 5 Jun 2018 @ 10:10 AM (UTC)
//Signed-Decimal Degree 47.6062, -122.3321
//Degrees Minutes Seconds N 47º 36' 22.32" W 122º 19' 55.56"
//Initialize with signed degree (standard method)
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(47.6062, -122.3321, new DateTime(2018,6,5,10,10,0));
//OR simply parse from a string
Coordinate c = Coordinate.Parse("N 47º 36.372' W 122º 19.926'", new DateTime(2018,6,5,10,10,0);
Once the Coordinate
is created we have access to various formats and celestial data. Here are just a few examples.
Console.WriteLine(c); // N 47º 36' 22.32" W 122º 19' 55.56"
Console.WriteLine(c.Latitude.Seconds); // 22.32
Console.WriteLine(c.UTM); // 10T 550200mE 5272748mN
Console.WriteLine(c.CelestialInfo.SunSet); // 5-Jun-2018 4:02:00 AM
Console.WriteLine(c.CelestialInfo.MoonAltitude); // 14.4169966277874
Extension packages are being built to work in conjunction with CoordinateSharp. Currently available extension packages may be downloaded via Documentation for extension packages is contained in the main documentation of the library and can be found on our website.
CoordinateSharp's ease of use comes from its eager loaded architecture. This approach may come at the cost of performance at times, but luckily the eager loading of certain properties can be turned off to improve benchmarks. For example if you only need MGRS conversions, you can turn off celestial calculations and improve Coordinate
initialization by 6-10ms.
It is highly recommended that developers reference our Performance Tips Page once they have become familiar with the basic usage of CoordinateSharp.
with multiple format types using TryParse()
changes. For example, changing the GeoDate
will cause all celestial times to recalculate. Adjusting a Coordinate
latitudinal seconds, will retrigger all coordinate conversions and celestial data so your information is always up to date. Check out the CoordinateSharp Developer Guide for more detailed instructions on the usage and abilities of CoordinateSharp.
You may also view the Documentation for a more in depth look at CoordinateSharp's structure.
Change notes can be viewed here.
Commercial subscription based license holders may receive direct support by emailing us at All others may create an issue at anytime.