ajn96 / iSensor-SPI-Buffer

Firmware for the iSensor-SPI-Buffer (STM32F303) to enable full throughput buffered data capture on Analog Devices IMUs over SPI, USB (cli), and via SD card datalogging. Includes Python library for easy integration with Linux and Windows systems
MIT License
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analog-devices imu inertial-sensors isensor isensor-spi-buffer python sd-card spi usb-cdc

iSensor SPI Buffer

The iSensor SPI Buffer is a hardware and software solution designed to buffer iSensor IMU data, enabling asynchronous sampling systems (specifically embedded Linux systems) such as the Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Nvidia Jetson, etc. to capture IMU data at high sampling rates with accurate timestamps and without data loss. Output data is provided through a USB Virtual COM port and/or a user SPI port allowing transparent augmentation of an existing IMU interface system.

The firmware runs on an STM32F303 microprocessor to enable full-throughput, buffered IMU data capture with a variety of output data formats. An ADG1611 analog switch IC to enable routing SYNC and DATA READY signals from the host system directly to the IMU. The SPI buffer board is designed to be compatible with all current and future iSensor IMU products.

A custom PCB was designed to fit the profile and form factor of an ADIS1649x IMU. This profile allows the iSensor SPI Buffer to act as a drop-in solution for existing, high-performance solutions. The buffer interface is designed to mimic the iSensor page convention and SPI settings out-of-the box.

Additional hardware and software resources are linked below.

Detailed Register Map

USB CLI Definition

Python USB Interfacing Library

SD Card Data Logging Scripts

Firmware Documentation (Doxygen)

Software Timing Characterization

STM32 Processor Pin Map

Programming Guide

A video walkthrough and tutorial of the SPI Buffer Board's features is hosted on YouTube. Click on the image below to check it out!

Hardware Platform

This firmware is designed to operate in the STMicro processor family - specifically the STM32F303 processor. The STM32F303RET6 variant of the processor family was chosen for this application because of its large SRAM and low cost.

iSensor SPI Buffer Isometric Image

Revision B of the PCB design includes the following features:

The iSensor SPI Buffer was designed to sit between an iSensor IMU and the SPI host without changing any existing PCB designs.

iSensor SPI Buffer Mounted Image

Development Environment and Hardware

Software / IDE

The code contained in this repository was developed using the freely available STM32 Cube IDE. A compatible project file is also included in this repository to make getting stared as easy as possible.


A TC2030-IDC cable must be used to interface with the SWD pads on the Rev B PCB. Development was originally done on an NUCLEO-F303RE development board. When programming a buffer board, we've continued to use the NUCLEO as the SWD programmer.

Linux Driver Support

Support for the SPI Buffer Board in Linux (over SPI) was developed by spalani7. His repository is located here. For USB interfacing, the included Python library can be utilized for easy integration with any USB capable system.

Design Requirements and Features

IMU Register Interface

Buffered Data Acquisition

Configuration Options

Buffer Design


SPI Ports

The iSensor-SPI-Buffer firmware will utilize two hardware SPI ports. One operating as a master (SPI buffer to IMU communication) and the other as a slave (SPI buffer to host)

Program Flow

The iSensor-SPI-Buffer communications interfaces (SPI, SD card logging, USB CLI) are interrupt driven. A main cyclic executive loop handles command execution, interrupt generation, and diagnostics. The cyclic executive flow is shown below:

Cyclic Executive

User SPI Interrupt

There will be an ISR to handle user-initiated SPI transactions (slave interface). If the active register page is not one of the SPI buffer pages (253 - 255) all SPI transactions will be forwarded to the IMU downstream.

SPI transactions will be classified as "read" or "write" by the SPI buffer board the same as the iSensor IMU SPI protocol. A write operation is signaled by setting the MSB of each 16-bit word. The upper 8 bits of the 16-bit transaction contain the register address to be written to as well as the read/write bit. The lower 8 bits of the 16-bit transaction contain the data to be written.

A single read request transmitted to the SPI buffer on the slave interface will result in two SPI transactions sent to the IMU on the master interface. The first transaction sends the register read request to the IMU and the second reads the requested register contents data back from the IMU. The requested IMU register is then loaded into the SPI buffer user SPI transmit buffer so that it is available to the user on the next user SPI transaction. For write transactions, a single write command will be sent to the IMU. The data resulting from the write transaction is then loaded into the SPI buffer user SPI transmit buffer. Unlike the read operation, a write operation will not automatically generate an additional SPI transaction. The diagram below shows the IMU SPI pass-through process for a register read operation.

SPI Passthrough

Autonomous Data Capture

When the currently selected page is 255 (buffer output register page), the iSensor SPI Buffer firmware will begin to monitor a user-specified GPIO interrupt for data ready signals pulses. Once a data ready pulse is detected, the firmware will transmit the data contained in page 254 (buffer transmit data) in the order specified by the user. Data received from the IMU during each 16-bit transaction will be stored in a new buffer entry in the iSensor-SPI-Buffer SRAM. The firmware will use DMA and timer peripherals to perform the SPI transactions with minimal CPU intervention while giving control over the SPI SCLK and stall time.

The data capture ISR will be triggered by a user-specified GPIO, corresponding to the IMU data ready signal. The data capture ISR will configure a timer peripheral (which drives SPI word transmission timing) to trigger a DMA between memory and SPI. A DMA done ISR will handle cleaning up the DMA transactions and incrementing buffer pointers following a complete data set acquisition from the IMU. If the selected page is changed off page 255, the IMU data ready interrupt data capture functionality will be disabled (can be re-enabled by writing 255 to the page ID register on any page).

Buffered Capture Data Flow

User Interrupt Signaling (to host)

Each of the four DIO lines from the iSensor-SPI-Buffer to the master device can be configured to operate in one of four modes

The state of each interrupt signal is checked and updated on each iteration of the main cyclic executive loop. This ensures quick response time to changes in the buffer state while maintaining a simple program flow.

Command Execution

Register Interface

Recovering From a Bad SPI Configuration

This buffer firmware includes a feature that allows the host SPI peripheral on the buffer board to be reconfigured to suit the host's needs. Because of this, it's possible to lock yourself out of the buffer board. A bad SPI configuration will usually look like the buffer board is returning the same value repeatedly for all registers. Note that the buffer board returning 0xFFFF or 0x0000 could be caused by other issues (no power to the buffer board, bad connection to the IMU, etc.) A bad SPI configuration will look similar to the image below.

SPI Misconfigured

Recovering from a bad configuration requires using the USB CLI to communicate with the buffer board's firmware. While not mandatory, we recommend changing the jumper on the buffer board to USB power mode. The jumper just needs to be repositioned as shown below.

USB Jumper Setting

Using a terminal program such as TeraTerm or PuTTY in Windows, connect to the board using the enumerated COM port. The virtual USB port will automatically detect the host serial settings, so additional configuration is usually unnecessary.

PuTTY Connection

Once connected to the CLI, you can verify that the board is communicating correctly by typing help into the console. You should see a message like the one shown below.

CLI Help Print

After you've verified that the CLI is working correctly, type the following command, followed by a carriage return.


This will execute a factory reset command followed by a flash update command. The board should now be reset to SPI Mode 3 with CS active low. The default register settings will have also been committed to flash, so they should persist throughout reboots.

"The SPI who loved me" - PK