mqcontrol is a lightweight and cross-platform utility which subscribes to an MQTT topic and executes a predefined command on your computer whenever a message appears. It's an easy way to make your PC part of your home automation or IoT system!
See the releases page and download a binary for your operating system and architecture.
Or install it with Go:
go install
To complete local installation, add mqcontrol to PATH and/or run it at startup.
mqcontrol is available on Docker Hub: albertnis/mqcontrol. The images are cross-platform and available in a variety of flavours. See the Docker Hub overview for more information.
docker run albertnis/mqcontrol --help
Configuration is via command-line arguments.
mqcontrol --help
-c string
Command to run when any message received on topic
-h string
Address and port of MQTT broker (default "")
-i string
ID to use for this client (default "mqcontrol-{randomString}")
-t string
Topic to subscribe to (default "computer/command")
-u string
Username for MQTT connection
-p string
Password for MQTT connection
Make a topic to hibernate your PC
mqcontrol -c "systemctl hibernate" -t desktop/command/hibernate
Dim laptop screen when the lights are turned off
mqcontrol -c "brightnessctl 50%-" -t lights/bedroom/turnoff
Close gzdoom when the office door is opened
mqcontrol -c "killall gzdoom" -t work/office/door/open
The command argument does not include any shell processing. If you're having problems getting commands to run or want them to run in a shell, specify the shell in the command. For example:
mqcontrol -c "/bin/sh -c \"echo message received\"" -t desktop/command/hibernate
An error in the executed command will cause the entire program to terminate. Stderr and an exit code from the executed command will be available.
Get then run with Go:
go get
go run -c "echo Message received"
Run with Go in cloned repo:
go run main.go -c "echo Message received"
With Docker (BuildKit):
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t mqcontrol .
docker run -it --rm --network=host mqcontrol -c "echo Message received"
With docker-compose (BuildKit):
docker-compose run mqcontrol -c "echo Message received"
Create a systemd unit file as below, customise the ExecStart
line, then save it at /usr/lib/systemd/system/mqcontrol.service
Description=mqcontrol remote control
ExecStart=/home/user/go/bin/mqcontrol -i mqclinux -c "systemctl hibernate" -h
Start and enable the mqcontrol
systemctl start mqcontrol
systemctl enable mqcontrol