araffin / robotics-rl-srl

S-RL Toolbox: Reinforcement Learning (RL) and State Representation Learning (SRL) for Robotics
MIT License
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arm baselines baxter-robot gym kuka pybullet pytorch reinforcement-learning representation-learning robotics state

This repository is no longer maintained. If you are looking for RL implementations, there is Stable-Baselines3, for a training framework, there is the RL Baselines3 Zoo.

S-RL Toolbox: Reinforcement Learning (RL) and State Representation Learning (SRL) Toolbox for Robotics

This repository was made to evaluate State Representation Learning methods using Reinforcement Learning. It integrates (automatic logging, plotting, saving, loading of trained agent) various RL algorithms (PPO, A2C, ARS, ACKTR, DDPG, DQN, ACER, CMA-ES, SAC, TRPO) along with different SRL methods (see SRL Repo) in an efficient way (1 Million steps in 1 Hour with 8-core cpu and 1 Titan X GPU).

We also release customizable Gym environments for working with simulation (Kuka arm, Mobile Robot in PyBullet, running at 250 FPS on a 8-core machine) and real robots (Baxter Robot, Robobo with ROS).

Related papers:

Main Features


Documentation is available online:


Here is a quick example of how to train a PPO2 agent on MobileRobotGymEnv-v0 environment for 10 000 steps using 4 parallel processes:

python -m rl_baselines.train --algo ppo2 --no-vis --num-cpu 4 --num-timesteps 10000 --env MobileRobotGymEnv-v0

The complete command (logs will be saved in logs/ folder):

python -m rl_baselines.train --algo rl_algo --env env1 --log-dir logs/ --srl-model raw_pixels --num-timesteps 10000 --no-vis

To use the robot's position as input instead of pixels, just pass --srl-model ground_truth instead of --srl-model raw_pixels


Python 3 is required (python 2 is not supported because of OpenAI baselines)

Note: we are using Stable Baselines, a fork of OpenAI Baselines with unified interface and other improvements (e.g. tensorboard support).

Using Anaconda

  1. Download the project (note the --recursive argument because we are using git submodules):

    git clone --recursive
  2. Install the swig library:

    sudo apt-get install swig
  3. Install the dependencies using environment.yml file (for anaconda users) in the current environment

    conda env create --file environment.yml
    source activate py35

PyBullet Documentation

Using Docker

Please read the documentation for more details.

Reinforcement Learning

Several algorithms from Stable Baselines have been integrated along with some evolution strategies and SAC:

Please read the documentation for more details on how to train/load an agent on discrete/continuous actions, and how to add your own rl algorithm.

Hyperparameter Search

This repository also allows hyperparameter search, using hyperband or hyperopt for the implemented RL algorithms

for example, here is the command for a hyperband search on PPO2, ground truth on the mobile robot environment:

python -m rl_baselines.hyperparam_search --optimizer hyperband --algo ppo2 --env MobileRobotGymEnv-v0 --srl-model ground_truth


All the environments we propose follow the OpenAI Gym interface. We also extended this interface (adding extra methods) to work with SRL methods (see State Representation Learning Models).

Available Environments

Kuka environment Mobile Robot environment Racing car environment Omnidirectional robot environment
Name Action space (discrete) Action space (continuous) Rewards ground truth
6 actions (3D cardinal direction) 3 axis (3D cardinal direction) (1) 1 when target reached, -1 when too far from target or when table is hit, otherwise 0 (2) (3) the X,Y,Z position of the effector (4)
6 actions (3D cardinal direction) 3 axis (3D cardinal direction) (1) 1 when target reached, -1 when too far from target or when table is hit, otherwise 0 (2) (3) the X,Y,Z position of the effector (4)
6 actions (3D cardinal direction) 3 axis (3D cardinal direction) (1) 1 when the first target is reached, 1 when the second target is reached, -1 when too far from target or when table is hit, otherwise 0 (2) the X,Y,Z position of the effector (4)
6 actions (3D cardinal direction) 3 axis (3D cardinal direction) (1) 1 when target reached, -1 when too far from target or when table is hit, otherwise 0 (2) (3) the X,Y,Z position of the effector (4)
4 actions (2D cardinal direction) 2 axis (2D cardinal direction) 1 when target reached, -1 for a wall hit, otherwise 0 (2) the X,Y position of the robot (4)
4 actions (2D cardinal direction) 2 axis (2D cardinal direction) 1 when target reached, -1 for a wall hit, otherwise 0 (2) the X,Y position of the robot (4)
2 actions (1D cardinal direction) 1 axis (1D cardinal direction) 1 when target reached, -1 for a wall hit, otherwise 0 (2) the X position of the robot (4)
4 actions (2D cardinal direction) 2 axis (2D cardinal direction) 1 when target reached, -1 for a wall hit, otherwise 0 (2) the X,Y position of the robot (4)
CarRacing 4 actions (left, right, accelerate, brake) 3 axis (stearing, accelerate, brake) -100 when out of bounds, otherwise -0.1 the X,Y position of the car (4)
OmniRobot 4 actions (2D cardinal direction) 2 axis (2D cardinal direction) 1 when target reached, -1 for a wall hit, otherwise 0 (2) the X,Y position of the robot (4)

1. The action space can use 6 axis arm joints control with the --joints flag
2. The reward can be the euclidian distance to the target with the --shape-reward flag
3. When using --shape-reward and --continuous, the reward for hitting the button is 50 and for being out of bounds is -250. This is to prevent the agent hitting the table to stop the environment early and obtaining a higher reward
4. The ground truth can be relative position from agent to the target by changing the RELATIVE_POS constant in the environment file

the available environments are:

Please read the documentation for more details (e.g. adding a custom environment).

State Representation Learning Models

Please look the SRL Repo to learn how to train a state representation model. Then you must edit config/srl_models.yaml and set the right path to use the learned state representations.

The available state representation models are:

Please read the documentation for more details (e.g. adding a custom SRL model).


If a submodule is not downloaded:

git submodule update --init

If you have troubles installing mpi4py, make sure you the following installed:

sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin openmpi-doc

Known issues

The inverse kinematics function has trouble finding a solution when the arm is fully straight and the arm must bend to reach the requested point.


This work is supported by the DREAM project through the European Union Horizon 2020 FET research and innovation program under grant agreement No 640891.


If you use this toolbox, please cite:

  title={S-RL Toolbox: Environments, Datasets and Evaluation Metrics for State Representation Learning},
  author={Raffin, Antonin and Hill, Ashley and Traor{\'e}, Ren{\'e} and Lesort, Timoth{\'e}e and D{\'\i}az-Rodr{\'\i}guez, Natalia and Filliat, David},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.09369},