azerimaker / Penguino-STM32WL-LoRa-E5

This repo contains all the necessary design and fabrication files for the Seeed Studio LoRa-E5 based Penguino Feather breakout board.
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adafruit feather lora lora-e5 lorawan penguino soc stm32wl


Seeedstudio's LoRa-E5 STM32WLE5JC module was recently announced, and I took the liberty of designing a Penguino Feather breakout board for it. Hopefully OSHW community would benfit from it.

About the Penguino Feather breakout

Managed to fit everything on a +2 layer (H1.6mm) low-cost PCB. Careful design choices allowed to have a good GND plane on the back to to achieve good (theoretical) RF performance.

Penguino-STM32WL-LoRa-E5 Current version: 0.1

Board requirements are standard:


Specs (SoC):

Specs (LoRa-E5 module):


OSHW License

Open Source Hardware

This board is an OSHWA approved design: AZ000003


If you have any question or comments please feel free to open an issue (or a discussion or drop me a message at @azerimaker.