Simple crypto trading bot simulator, running against Bitcoin market historical data. You can create change configuration variables, or create your own bot with deeper strategies.
node, typescript, mongoDB
also ts-node
for running scripts at the cmd-line:
npm i -g ts-node
cd server
cp src/config/example.env src/config/local.env
cd server
npm i
Get some historial BTC-USD price data
note: there's already some data in the repo, but this will load latest data. you'll want to run this script to load it into mongoDB though.
this will download a few years of hourly CSV data, and load into a local mongoDB.
Using ts-node
to run typescript at the command line from 'server' directory. If you use nodemon
it will rerun on each code edit.
The runners
folder contains some bots run with different configs.
cd server
ts-node src/runners/SwingRun.ts
you'll get something like this:
$ NODE_ENV=local ts-node src/runners/SwingRun.ts
[ DbConn] | got dbHandle
[ SwingRun] | priceList.length 767
[ SwingRun] | market.start 4345.95
[ SwingRun] | market.end 6687.99
[ SwingRun] | -131.3299999999981
[ SwingRun] | log: swinger.log.csv
So, not a good trading strategy. It lost $131 even though the market went up by nearly $2342 in the same period.
priceList.length = list of price points in the data (eg duration/interval) 767 prices ~= 31 days (binance historical data is at hourly intervals) market start/end = how much market changed in the period
Well, its just a basic bot without much strategy or signals yet. But this simple framework allows other ideas to be tested.
Note: at this time the bot just buys 1BTC each tx, no matter what the price.
This creates a log file in logs/swinger.log.csv
(see below)
The MoodyBot (mood swings geddit?) just trades on basic swings, with no awareness of pressure/resistance/volume or any other technical indicators (coming soon!)
If you look into SwingRun
you'll see:
The DateRange:
let finder = {
date: {
$gte: new Date("2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lte: new Date("2017-11-01T23:00:00.000Z"),
the Bot Config:
const config: IBotConfig = {
logfile: 'swinger.log',
calcConfig: {
stepDown: 10,
stepUp: 5
This is passed into the very simple bot MoodyBot
is a setting for how many (USD) the bot will consider a change of 'direction'.
Down can be bigger than up as often drops are sharper than rises.
If a pattern of directional change is recognized it will trigger a 'swing'.
A 'swing' is defined in Kalk.ts
public calcSwing(miniChart: string): string {
let sw = '-'
if (/DDUU$/.test(miniChart)) sw = 'S-U' // swing up
if (/UU$/.test(miniChart)) sw = 'R-U' // run up
if (/UDD$/.test(miniChart)) sw = 'S-D'
if (/DD$/.test(miniChart)) sw = 'R-D'
Then later the U
or D
triggers a BUY/SELL
Of course these rules can overlap and apply based on order. So a UUDD
SwingDown would also get caught on a DD
So if the bot sees DDUU
two down ticks followed by two up-ticks it will treat this as a swing up S-U
We also check for some other DDD
meaning a run going down R-U
The samples run at the same rate as the data being fed in.
So based on these swings the bot will call an action
You can see more details of the trading log in a csv file eg logs/swinger.log.csv
As the trader sim runs it writes logs here.
(viewing the CSV file with a VScode plugin) The date formats are compatible with google docs if you want to import and see graphs.
A full log of the trades is saved logs You can view in a graph form by running the client app.
cd client
yarn start
you can then see the strata graph and zoom in to check what happened. Red arrow down = sell event (trade start) Green arrow up = buy event (trade end) Dotted line = held position
So the profit/loss per trade is the delta between the green/red pairs (not shown on the graph currently)
You can click to zoom in on the trade sequence:
so here you can see close up of the graph. At tick 914
edit local.env to add these keys if you want to use realtime Binance market data. The bot does NOT currently do any trades, but in any case you can create an API key that only has 'read' capability
Otherwise just leave the keys out, we can also run against historical downloaded data.
Please get in touch if you'd like to help add features! dc AT