dimitropoulos / react-ui-roundup

A one-stop-shop for comparing the features of all the best React frameworks. Useful for designers and engineers alike!
268 stars 11 forks source link
ant-design antd atlaskit blueprint blueprintjs carbon-design-system chakra-ui elastic-ui elemental-ui gestalt grommet material-design material-ui onsen-ui prime-react react react-toolbox reactjs semantic-ui typescript

React UI Roundup

Are you a frontend developer or designer? Do you wish you had a one-stop-shop where you could check out the various implementations of common components? If so - React UI Roundup is for you!


I decided to make this project while contributing an Alert component to material-ui. While thinking about that component, it was HUGELY helpful to review other implementations from everything from feature set, DOM structure, CSS usage, theming integration, prop naming, and more. I wanted something where I could stand back at a distance and look at many high-quality implementations of a similar component while I researched - so I made this project.

An even more better version of this exact document is available at react-ui-roundup.dimitrimitropoulos.com. It has special "Open All" buttons that allow you to open every link in a table with one click! Also, the Framework Statistics section on the website is always up to date since it pulls the data in realtime when you load the page.


Framework Statistics

Name Homepage Repository Stars Forks Issues License
Ant Design ant.design ant-design/ant-design 82,199 36,207 929 MIT
Atlaskit atlassian.design bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlaskit-mk-2 -- -- -- --
Blueprint blueprintjs.com palantir/blueprint 19,338 2,062 669 Apache 2.0
Carbon Design react.carbondesignsystem.com carbon-design-system/carbon 5,973 1,405 541 Apache 2.0
Chakra UI chakra-ui.com/docs chakra-ui/chakra-ui 28,998 2,589 84 MIT
Elastic UI elastic.github.io/eui elastic/eui 5,350 714 354 Other
Element element.eleme.io ElemeFE/element 52,726 14,246 2,301 MIT
Elemental UI elemental-ui.com elementalui/elemental 4,322 242 49 MIT
Evergreen evergreen.segment.com segmentio/evergreen 11,821 817 45 MIT
Fluent UI developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui microsoft/fluentui 14,113 2,316 675 Other
Gestalt gestalt.netlify.app pinterest/gestalt 4,023 321 15 Apache 2.0
Grommet v2.grommet.io grommet/grommet 8,048 982 198 Apache 2.0
MUI mui.com/material-ui/ mui/material-ui 81,915 28,229 1,278 MIT
Onsen UI onsen.io OnsenUI/OnsenUI 8,641 1,024 104 --
Orbit orbit.kiwi kiwicom/orbit 1,254 128 26 MIT
Prime React primefaces.org/primereact primefaces/primereact 3,190 647 200 MIT
Quasar quasar.dev quasarframework/quasar 22,121 2,979 448 MIT
React Bootstrap react-bootstrap.github.io react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap 21,160 3,417 164 MIT
React Toolbox react-toolbox.io react-toolbox/react-toolbox 8,700 1,040 268 MIT
react-md react-md.dev mlaursen/react-md 2,322 316 52 MIT
Ring UI jetbrains.github.io/ring-ui/master/index.html?path=/docs JetBrains/ring-ui 3,293 191 7 Apache 2.0
Semantic UI semantic-ui.com Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI 50,195 5,108 1,059 MIT
Smooth UI smooth-code.com/open-source/smooth-ui smooth-code/smooth-ui 1,603 114 10 MIT
Zendesk Garden garden.zendesk.com zendeskgarden/react-components 1,030 86 15 Apache 2.0

all of the above statistics were last updated Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:16:19 GMT. For real-time data, see the website.

Framework Features


Name Native Dark Mode Design Kits RTL Support Themer Native TypeScript
Ant Design :heavy_check_mark: Figma, Sketch :heavy_check_mark: Link :heavy_check_mark:
Atlaskit :x: Sketch :x: :x: :x:
Blueprint :heavy_check_mark: Sketch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Carbon Design :heavy_check_mark: Sketch :heavy_check_mark: Link :x:
Chakra UI :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Elastic UI :heavy_check_mark: Sketch :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Element :x: Axure, Sketch :x: Link :x:
Elemental UI :x: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Evergreen :x: Sketch :x: :x: :x:
Fluent UI :heavy_check_mark: Figma, Sketch :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Gestalt :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x:
Grommet :x: Custom, Framer X, Sketch :heavy_check_mark: Link :heavy_check_mark:
MUI :heavy_check_mark: Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch :heavy_check_mark: Link :heavy_check_mark:
Onsen UI :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Orbit :x: Abstract, Sketch :heavy_check_mark: Link :x:
Prime React :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Quasar :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: Link :heavy_check_mark:
React Bootstrap :x: :x: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
React Toolbox :x: :x: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
react-md :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Ring UI :x: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Semantic UI :x: Sketch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x:
Smooth UI :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Zendesk Garden :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:



Alerts are used to show an important message to users.


Framework Name Closable Types
Ant Design Alert :heavy_check_mark: error, info, success, warning
Atlaskit SectionMessage :x: change, confirmation, error, info, warning
Atlaskit Flag :x: change, confirmation, error, info, warning
Chakra UI Alert :heavy_check_mark: error, info, success, warning
Element Alert :heavy_check_mark: error, info, success, warning
Elemental UI Alert :x: danger, info, primary, success, warning
Evergreen Alert :heavy_check_mark: danger, none, success, warning
Fluent UI MessageBar :heavy_check_mark: blocked, error, info, remove, severeWarning, success, warning
MUI Alert :heavy_check_mark: error, info, success, warning
Orbit Alert :heavy_check_mark: critical, info, success, warning
Quasar banner :x:
React Bootstrap Alert :heavy_check_mark: danger, dark, info, light, primary, secondary, success, warning
Ring UI Alert :heavy_check_mark: error, loading, message, success, warning
Smooth UI Alert :x: danger, dark, info, light, primary, secondary, success, warning
Zendesk Garden Notification :heavy_check_mark: error, info, success, warning

Blueprint, Carbon Design, Elastic UI, Gestalt, Grommet, Onsen UI, Prime React, React Toolbox, react-md, and Semantic UI appear to be missing an Alert component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


The AppBar displays information and actions relating to the current screen.


Framework Name API Dense Sticky Theme Mode
Elastic UI Header customComponents :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
MUI AppBar children :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
React Toolbox AppBar props :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
react-md AppBar customComponents :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Ring UI Header children :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Zendesk Garden Header customComponents :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:

Ant Design, Atlaskit, Blueprint, Carbon Design, Chakra UI, Element, Elemental UI, Evergreen, Fluent UI, Gestalt, Grommet, Onsen UI, Orbit, Prime React, Quasar, React Bootstrap, Semantic UI, and Smooth UI appear to be missing an AppBar component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


Avatars can be used to represent people or objects.


Framework Name Badge Shapes Sizes Types
Ant Design Avatar :heavy_check_mark: circle, square default, large, number, small icon, image, text
Atlaskit Avatar :x: circle, square large, medium, small, xlarge, xsmall, xxlarge icon, image
Chakra UI Avatar :heavy_check_mark: circle 2xl, 2xs, lg, md, sm, xl, xs
Element Avatar :x: circle, square large, medium, number, small image, image, text
Evergreen Avatar :x: circle number image, text
Fluent UI Persona :heavy_check_mark: circle, rounded-square number icon, image, text
MUI Avatar :heavy_check_mark: circle, rounded-square, square number icon, image, text
Quasar avatar :heavy_check_mark: circle, rounded-square, square lg, md, number, sm, xl, xs icon, image, text
Ring UI Avatar :x: circle, rounded-square 18, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, number image
Zendesk Garden Avatar :heavy_check_mark: circle, rounded-square extraextrasmall, extrasmall, large, medium, small icon, image, text

Blueprint, Carbon Design, Elastic UI, Elemental UI, Gestalt, Grommet, Onsen UI, Orbit, Prime React, React Bootstrap, React Toolbox, react-md, Semantic UI, and Smooth UI appear to be missing an Avatar component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


AvatarGroups stack a set of Avatars into a customized list, often with customized animations and options.


Framework Name Cascade Direction Expandable Group Max Count
Ant Design Avatar.Group above :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Atlaskit AvatarGroup below :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Chakra UI AvatarGroup below :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Fluent UI Facepile no-overlap :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
MUI AvatarGroup below :x: :heavy_check_mark:

Blueprint, Carbon Design, Elastic UI, Element, Elemental UI, Evergreen, Gestalt, Grommet, Onsen UI, Orbit, Prime React, Quasar, React Bootstrap, React Toolbox, react-md, Ring UI, Semantic UI, Smooth UI, and Zendesk Garden appear to be missing an AvatarGroup component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


Users trigger actions by clicking on buttons.


Framework Name Disabled Groupable Icon Loading Sizes
Ant Design Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: default, large, small
Atlaskit Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, right :heavy_check_mark:
Blueprint Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: default, large
Carbon Design Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: only, right :heavy_check_mark: default, field, small
Chakra UI Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, only, right :x: lg, md, sm, xs
Elastic UI Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: m, sm, xs
Element Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: default, medium, mini, small
Elemental UI Button :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: default, extra small, large, small
Evergreen Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: arbitrary pixel sizes
Fluent UI Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x:
Gestalt Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: only :x: lg, md, sm
Grommet Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, only, right :x:
MUI Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :x: large, medium, small
Onsen UI Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: default, large
Orbit Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: large, normal, small
Prime React Button :x: :x: left, only, right :x:
Quasar btn :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: custom, lg, md, sm, xs
React Bootstrap Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: lg, sm
React Toolbox Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, only :x:
react-md Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, only, right :x:
Ring UI Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only :heavy_check_mark: default, large, small
Semantic UI Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: left, only, right :heavy_check_mark: big, huge, large, massive, medium, mini, small, tiny
Smooth UI Button :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: base, lg, sm, xl, xs
Zendesk Garden Button :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: only :x: default, large, small


Users toggle between checked, unchecked (or indeterminate) values with checkboxes.


Framework Name Custom Icon Disabled Indeterminate Invalid Label Placement
Ant Design Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: right
Atlaskit Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: right
Blueprint Checkbox :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, right
Carbon Design Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: right
Chakra UI Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: right
Elastic UI Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: right
Element Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: right
Elemental UI Checkbox :x: :x: :x: :x: right
Evergreen Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: right
Fluent UI Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, right
Gestalt Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: right
Grommet CheckBox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: right
MUI Checkbox :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: above, below, left, right
Onsen UI Checkbox :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: right
Orbit Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: right
Prime React Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: right
Quasar checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, right
React Bootstrap Form.Check :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x:
React Toolbox Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: right
react-md Checkbox :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: right
Ring UI Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: right
Semantic UI Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: right
Smooth UI Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: right
Zendesk Garden Checkbox :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: right


Users select a date or date range using a date picker.


Framework Name Clearable Custom Locale Min/Max Modes Presets Range Time
Ant Design DatePicker :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: day, month, quarter, week, year :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Blueprint DatePicker :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: day, month, year :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Carbon Design DatePicker :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: day, year :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Elastic UI DatePicker :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: day :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Element DatePicker :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: day, month, week, year :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Fluent UI DatePicker :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: day, month, year :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Gestalt DatePicker :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: day :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Grommet DateInput :x: :x: :x: day :x: :x: :x:
MUI DatePicker :x: :x: :x: day :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Quasar date :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: day, month, year :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
React Toolbox DatePicker :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: day, month, year :x: :x: :x:
Ring UI DatePicker :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: day, month, year :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Zendesk Garden DatePicker :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: day :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x:

Atlaskit, Chakra UI, Elemental UI, Evergreen, Onsen UI, Orbit, Prime React, React Bootstrap, react-md, Semantic UI, and Smooth UI appear to be missing a DatePicker component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


ErrorBoundaries are a React 16+ specific feature that uses the componentDidCatch API for handling uncaught errors without unmounting the whole React component tree.


Framework Name Custom Text Drop-In JSX Fallback Wrapper JSX Fallback
Ant Design Alert.ErrorBoundary :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x:
Carbon Design ErrorBoundary :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Elastic UI ErrorBoundary :x: :x: :x:

Atlaskit, Blueprint, Chakra UI, Element, Elemental UI, Evergreen, Fluent UI, Gestalt, Grommet, MUI, Onsen UI, Orbit, Prime React, Quasar, React Bootstrap, React Toolbox, react-md, Ring UI, Semantic UI, Smooth UI, and Zendesk Garden appear to be missing an ErrorBoundary component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


Pagination allows long lists to be divided into several pages.


Framework Name # of Pages Compact Edge # First/Last Page Size Style
Ant Design Pagination :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: items
Atlaskit Pagination :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x: pages
Carbon Design PaginationNav :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: items
Elastic UI Pagination :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: pages
Element Pagination :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: items
Evergreen Pagination :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: pages
Grommet Pagination :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: items
MUI Pagination :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: pages
Orbit Pagination :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: pages
Prime React Paginator :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: items, pages
Quasar pagination :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: pages
React Bootstrap Pagination :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: pages
Ring UI Pager :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: pages
Zendesk Garden Pagination :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: pages

Blueprint, Chakra UI, Elemental UI, Fluent UI, Gestalt, Onsen UI, React Toolbox, react-md, Semantic UI, and Smooth UI appear to be missing a Pagination component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


A Select allows a user to select a value from a series of options. Much more advanced than the native HTML select.


Framework Name Async Disabled Disabled Options Filterable Groupable Icons Virtual
Ant Design Select :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: end :heavy_check_mark:
Atlaskit Select :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Blueprint Select :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Carbon Design Select :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Chakra UI Select :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
Elastic UI SuperSelect :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: composable :x:
Element Select :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Elemental UI Dropdown :x: :x: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Evergreen SelectMenu :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: start :heavy_check_mark:
Fluent UI Dropdown :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: composable :x:
Gestalt SelectList :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
Grommet Select :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
MUI Select :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: composable :x:
Onsen UI Select :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
Orbit Select :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: end, start :x:
Prime React Dropdown :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: composable :heavy_check_mark:
Quasar select :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
React Bootstrap Dropdown :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
React Toolbox Dropdown :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
react-md Dropdown :x: :x: :x: :x: :x: end, start :heavy_check_mark:
Ring UI Select :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x:
Semantic UI Dropdown :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: composable :x:
Smooth UI Select :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
Zendesk Garden Select :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: start :x:


Navigation that guides users through the steps of a task.


Framework Name Can Be Vertical Clickable Step Description Step Error Step Icon
Ant Design Steps :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Atlaskit ProgressTracker :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
Carbon Design ProgressIndicator :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Elastic UI Steps :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Element Steps :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
MUI Stepper :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Prime React Steps :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x:
Quasar stepper :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Semantic UI Steps :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark:
Zendesk Garden Stepper :x: :x: :x: :x: :x:

Blueprint, Chakra UI, Elemental UI, Evergreen, Fluent UI, Gestalt, Grommet, Onsen UI, Orbit, React Bootstrap, React Toolbox, react-md, Ring UI, and Smooth UI appear to be missing a Stepper component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


Used to toggle between two states: on and off.


Framework Name Disabled Indeterminate Internal Icons Internal Text Lable Placement Loading Sizes
Ant Design Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: default, small
Atlaskit Toggle :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x: large, regular
Blueprint Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: left, right :x: default, large
Carbon Design Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: right :x: default, small
Chakra UI Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: left, right :x: lg, md, sm
Elastic UI Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: right :x: compressed, default
Element Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: left, right :x:
Evergreen Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x: integers
Fluent UI Toggle :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: left, right :x:
Gestalt Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Grommet CheckBox :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: left, right :x:
MUI Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: above, below, left, right :x: default, small
Onsen UI Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Prime React InputSwitch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: :x:
Quasar toggle :heavy_check_mark: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: left, right :x: custom, lg, md, sm, xl, xs
React Bootstrap Form.Check :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: right :x:
React Toolbox Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: right :x:
Ring UI Toggle :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :x: left, right :x:
Smooth UI Switch :heavy_check_mark: :x: :x: :heavy_check_mark: :x: base, lg, sm, xl, xs
Zendesk Garden Toggle :x: :x: :x: :x: above, below :x:

Elemental UI, Orbit, react-md, and Semantic UI appear to be missing a Switch component. Please file an issue if one now exists.


Users switch between different views with tabs.


Framework Name Can Be Vertical
Ant Design Tabs :heavy_check_mark:
Atlaskit Tabs :x:
Blueprint Tabs :heavy_check_mark:
Carbon Design Tabs :x:
Chakra UI Tabs :heavy_check_mark:
Elastic UI Tabs :x:
Element Tabs :heavy_check_mark:
Evergreen Tablist :heavy_check_mark:
Fluent UI Pivot :x:
Gestalt Tabs :x:
Grommet Tabs :x:
MUI Tabs :heavy_check_mark:
Onsen UI Tabbar :x:
Prime React TabView :x:
Quasar tabs :heavy_check_mark:
React Bootstrap Tabs :x:
React Toolbox Tabs :x:
react-md Tabs :x:
Ring UI Tabs :x:
Semantic UI Tabs :x:
Zendesk Garden Tabs :heavy_check_mark:

Elemental UI, Orbit, and Smooth UI appear to be missing a Tabs component. Please file an issue if one now exists.

How to Make a Change

The README.md and website are both autogenerated from the same source input files. For convenience, there is exactly one file for each project that has all the information for that project, located in the frameworks directory. To update any given data point, simply make a change to one of those files and run yarn generate.