gbartyzel / gym-vrep

Open-AI Gym extension for robotics based on V-REP
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 13 forks source link
coppeliasim deep-reinforcement-learning mobile-robotics openai-gym reinforcement-learning rl robotics v-rep

Open-AI Gym extension for robotics based on V-REP


  1. Mobile robot navigation - the mobile robot contains ultrasonic sensors, IMU and two DC motors. Number of ultrasonic sensors depends on task type. The task of this agent is to navigate from position A to position B. There are implemented two variants presented below.
Environment Description
RoomNavigation Environment with static obstacles like walls.
DynamicRoomNavigation Environment with dynamic obstacles like randomly moving mobile robots.

The environment can be customized with four parameters:

Action space are desired motor angular velocities in rad/s. They are limited to (0, 15.0) rad/s.

Environment observation space description:

Getting started

Here are provided basic requirements for the project:


To install this package run following commands:

git clone
cd gym-vrep
python3 install

Basic usage

To run the environment with default configuration just add follwing code to your project:

import gym
import gym_coppelia_sim

env = gym.make("RoomNavigation-v0") # or env = gym.make("DynamicRoomNavigation-v0")

Below is the example how to run environment in the headless mode:

import gym
import gym_coppelia_sim

env = gym.make("RoomNavigation-v0", headless_mode=True)

Changing the navigation algorithm can be done with following example:

import gym
import gym_coppelia_sim

env = gym.make("RoomNavigation-v0", navigation_algos="odometry")