gnh1201 / welsonjs

WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
143 stars 12 forks source link
automation chatgpt chrome coffeescript desktop html5 javascript jscript lolbas lolbins microsoft mshta mshtml msoffice rescript rpa typescript uri windows wsh


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WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine.

(Cover Image) Windows in 1999

Now, You can build an Windows desktop app with JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, ReScript, and HTML/CSS on Windows built-in ECMAScript engine.

WelsonJS = Windows + Electron-like + Javascript(JS) + Your contribution

Dual license notice: The default license for this project is GPL 3.0. However, if the GPL 3.0 license is not compatible with Microsoft products, it is subject to the MS-RL license.


Structure Overview


Included modules

Make your own sayhello example

1. Write a file lib/sayhello.js

// lib/sayhello.js
function say() {

exports.say = say;

exports.VERSIONINFO = "SayHello Library (sayhello.js) version 0.1";
exports.AUTHOR = "";   // e.g. YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS = global;
exports.require = global.require;

2. Write a file sayhello.js

// sayhello.js
var SayHello = require("lib/sayhello");

function main() {
    console.log("calling say()");
    console.log("ended say()");

exports.main = main;

3. Execute file on the command prompt

C:\Users\knh94\Documents\GitHub\welsonjs> cscript app.js sayhello
calling say()
ended say()

How to release my application?

Method 1. Compress to Zip, and Use WelsonJS.Launcher

There have been various attempts at EXE packaging for WelsonJS, and I've reviewed as much feedback as possible. This includes not only usability but also whether the process is relatively secure.

I have tentatively concluded that a launcher method, where a ZIP file is distributed and then executed, would be effective. Therefore, I have begun distributing the WelsonJS.Launcher artifact.

You can download and run the release or upstream source code of this project from GitHub in ZIP file format.

Method 2. Build a setup file with Inno Setup

Please check setup.iss file it could be compile with Inno Setup

Method 3. Copy all directories and files

This is so cool and so simple.


(Screenshot 1) GUI environment

(Screenshot 2) Command-line environment

(Screenshot 3) WelsonJS with Microsoft Excel

(Screenshot 4) Write a Windows Services with JavaScript

(Screenshot 5) Template Matching on the computer screen

(Screenshot 6) The Launcher for WelsonJS Application Packages

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