guo-yong-zhi / WordCloud.jl

word cloud generator in julia
MIT License
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collision-detection julia layout-algorithm nlp packing-algorithm visualization wordcloud


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Word cloud (tag cloud or wordle) is a novelty visual representation of text data. The importance of each word is shown with its font size, position, or color. WordCloud.jl is the perfect tool for generating word clouds, offering several advantages:

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import Pkg; Pkg.add("WordCloud")

Basic Usage

using WordCloud
using Random
words = [randstring(rand(1:8)) for i in 1:300]
weights = randexp(length(words))
wc = wordcloud(words, weights)
paint(wc, "random.svg")

Alternatively, it could be

wc = wordcloud("It's easy to generate word clouds") |> generate! # from a string
wc = wordcloud(open(pkgdir(WordCloud)*"/res/alice.txt")) |> generate! # from a file
wc = wordcloud(["中文", "需要", "提前", "分词"], fonts="") |> generate! # from a list
wc = wordcloud(["the"=>1.0, "to"=>0.51, "and"=>0.50,
                  "of"=>0.47, "a"=>0.44, "in"=>0.33]) |> generate! # from pairs or a dict

Advanced Usage

using WordCloud
textfile = pkgdir(WordCloud)*"/res/alice.txt"
maskfile = pkgdir(WordCloud)*"/res/alice_mask.png"
wc = wordcloud(
    stopwords_extra = ["said"],
    maxnum = 500, 
    mask = maskfile,
    maskcolor = "#faeef8",
    outline = 4,
    linecolor = "purple",
    colors = :Set1_5,
    angles = (0, 90),
    fonts = "Tahoma",
    density = 0.55,
    spacing = 3,) |> generate!
paint(wc, "alice.png", ratio=0.5)

try runexample(:alice) or showexample(:alice)

More Examples

Gathering style

try runexample(:gathering) or showexample(:gathering)


try runexample(:recolor) or showexample(:recolor)


try runexample(:semantic) or showexample(:semantic)
The variable WordCloud.examples holds all available examples.

About Implementation

WordCloud.jl stands out from other tools due to its unique approach based on image local gradient optimization. Unlike conventional algorithms, WordCloud.jl utilizes a non-greedy algorithm that enables words to be repositioned even after their initial placement. This dynamic adjustment process provides unparalleled freedom in assigning words to any desired position, irrespective of potential overlaps. Furthermore, it eliminates the necessity of scaling words during the adjustment phase. This ingenious design choice maximizes the generator's flexibility, opening up boundless possibilities for customization. For a more detailed understanding of the algorithm, you can refer to the Stuffing.jl - Algorithm Description.

Other word cloud generators