jurihock / stftPitchShift

STFT based real-time pitch and timbre shifting in C++ and Python
MIT License
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algorithms audio audio-effect audio-processing cpp dafx dsp fft formants pitch pitch-shifting plugin python realtime smbpitchshift stft stftpitchshift timbre vocoder voice


language language license build cpp build python tag pypi

stftPitchShift is a Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) based pitch and timbre shifting algorithm implementation, originally inspired by the Stephan M. Bernsee's smbPitchShift.cpp.

This repository features two analogical algorithm implementations, C++ and Python. Both contain several function blocks of the same name (but different file extension, of course).

In addition to the basic pitch shifting algorithm, it also features spectral poly pitch shifting and cepstral formant preservation extensions.

Both sources contain a ready-to-use command line tool as well as a library for custom needs. See more details in the build section.

Feel free to check out some demos at stftPitchShiftDemo and the stftPitchShiftPlugin as well.


StftPitchShift The *StftPitchShift* module provides a full-featured audio processing chain to perform the pitch shifting of a single audio track, based on the built in *STFT* implementation. Exclusively in the C++ environment the additional *StftPitchShiftCore* module can be used to embed this pitch shifting implementation in an existing real-time *STFT* pipeline.
Vocoder The *Vocoder* module transforms the DFT spectral data according to the original algorithm, which is actually the *instantaneous frequency estimation* technique. See also [further reading](#further-reading) for more details. The particular `encode` function replaces the input DFT values by the `magnitude + j * frequency` complex numbers, representing the phase error based frequency estimation in the imaginary part. The `decode` function does an inverse transformation back to the original DFT complex numbers, by replacing eventually modified frequency value by the reconstructed phase value.
Pitcher The *Pitcher* module performs mono or poly pitch shifting of the encoded DFT frame depending on the specified fractional factors.
Resampler The *Resampler* module provides the `linear` interpolation routine, to actually perform pitch shifting, based on the *Vocoder* DFT transform.
Cepster The *Cepster* module estimates a spectral envelope of the DFT magnitude vector, representing the vocal tract resonances. This computation takes place in the cepstral domain by applying a low-pass filter. The cutoff value of the low-pass filter or *lifter* is the *quefrency* value to be specified in seconds or milliseconds.
Normalizer The *Normalizer* module optionally performs a [RMS normalization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_normalization) right after pitch shifting relative to the original signal to get about the same loudness level. This correction takes place in the frequency domain each DFT frame separately.
STFT As the name of this module already implies, it performs the comprehensive *STFT* analysis and synthesis steps.

Pitch shifting

Mono pitch shifting

Since the Vocoder module transforms the original DFT complex values real + j * imag into magnitude + j * frequency representation, the mono pitch shifting is a comparatively easy task. Both magnitude and frequency vectors are to be resampled according to the desired pitch shifting factor:

Any fractional resampling factor such as 0.5 requires interpolation. In the simplest case, linear interpolation will be sufficient. Otherwise, bilinear interpolation can also be applied to smooth values between two consecutive STFT hops.

Due to frequency vector alteration, the resampled frequency values needs also be multiplied by the resampling factor.

Poly pitch shifting

In terms of poly pitch shifting, multiple differently resampled magnitude and frequency vectors are to be combined together. For example, the magnitude vectors can easily be averaged. But what about the frequency vectors?

The basic concept of this algorithm extension is to only keep the frequency value of the strongest magnitude value. So the strongest magnitude will mask the weakest one. Thus, all remaining masked components become inaudible.

In this way, the poly pitch shifting can be performed simultaneously in the same DFT frame. There is no need to build a separate STFT pipeline for different pitch variations to superimpose the synthesized signals in the time domain.

Formant preservation

The pitch shifting also causes distortion of the original vocal formants, leading to a so called Mickey Mouse effect if scaled up. One possibility to reduce this artifact, is to exclude the formant feature from the pitch shifting procedure.

The vocal formants are represented by the spectral envelope, which is given by the smoothed DFT mangitude vector. In this implementation, the smoothing of the DFT mangitude vector takes place in the cepstral domain by low-pass liftering. The extracted envelope is then removed from the original DFT magnitude. The remaining residual or excitation signal goes through the pitch shifting algorithm. After that, the previously extracted envelope is combined with the processed residual.



Use CMake to manually build the C++ library, main and example programs like this:

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

Or alternatively just get the packaged library from:

To include this library in your C++ audio project, study the minimal C++ example in the examples folder:

#include <StftPitchShift/StftPitchShift.h>

using namespace stftpitchshift;

StftPitchShift pitchshifter(1024, 256, 44100);

std::vector<float> x(44100);
std::vector<float> y(x.size());

pitchshifter.shiftpitch(x, y, 1);

Optionally specify following CMake options for custom builds:


The Python program stftpitchshift can be installed via pip install stftpitchshift.

Also feel free to explore the Python class StftPitchShift in your personal audio project:

from stftpitchshift import StftPitchShift

pitchshifter = StftPitchShift(1024, 256, 44100)

x = [0] * 44100
y = pitchshifter.shiftpitch(x, 1)


Both programs C++ and Python provides a similar set of command line options:

-h  --help       print this help
    --version    print version number

-i  --input      input .wav file name
-o  --output     output .wav file name

-p  --pitch      fractional pitch shifting factors separated by comma
                 (default 1.0)

-q  --quefrency  optional formant lifter quefrency in milliseconds
                 (default 0.0)

-t  --timbre     fractional timbre shifting factor related to -q
                 (default 1.0)

-r  --rms        enable spectral rms normalization

-w  --window     stft window size
                 (default 1024)

-v  --overlap    stft window overlap
                 (default 32)

-c  --chrono     enable runtime measurements
                 (only available in the C++ version)

-d  --debug      plot spectrograms before and after processing
                 (only available in the Python version)

Currently only .wav files are supported. Please use e.g. Audacity or SoX to prepare your audio files for pitch shifting.

To apply multiple pitch shifts at once, separate each factor by a comma, e.g. -p 0.5,1,2. Alternatively specify pitch shifting factors as semitones denoted by the + or - prefix, e.g. -p -12,0,+12. For precise pitch corrections append the number of cents after semitones, e.g. -p -11-100,0,+11+100.

To enable the formant preservation feature specify a suitable quefrency value in milliseconds. Depending on the source signal, begin with a small value like -q 1. Generally, the quefrency value has to be smaller than the fundamental period, as reciprocal of the fundamental frequency, of the source signal.

At the moment the formant preservation doesn't seem to work well along with the poly pitch shifting and smaller pitch shifting factors. Further investigation is therefore necessary...

Further reading

Instantaneous frequency estimation

Cepstrum analysis and formant changing

Asymmetric windows



stftPitchShift is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For details please refer to the accompanying LICENSE file distributed with stftPitchShift.